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Robert Royes
258 articles

Tupolev Tu-95 Bear D, DML 1/200

January 21, 2018 · in Aviation · · 19 · 2.9K

Maritime recon. version of the Bear, Caused the carriers I was on to launch many an Alert Five while cruising the Med. or transiting the Atlantic.

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8  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

19 responses

  1. I like it...what's the wingspan in that scale, Robert..?

  2. Great build, Robert, and a terrific set of photos. I especially liked the Bear flying over the Saratoga; don't know how you managed that one...

  3. Nice one Robert, love the pictures as if model F4 intercepts the Bear in the display case!

  4. I love the one flying over the carrier. Just like during the Cold War!

    Well done, Robert!

  5. Nice build! I remember as a young sailor on the Nimitz and Theodore Roosevelt watching VF-41 and VF-84 Tomcats escorting Bears past the ship. I always thought they had the oddest sound.

    • We left Mayport Fla. for the Med. on Forrestal in '78, every night of the crossing one of these did a flyby just to see if we were awake. The year before in '77 one flew up the southern east coast not being detected until somewhere near Virginia. It was rare to see navy fighters loaded with live missiles on the ramp for air defense in the U S, that lasted about a week. Ahh the Cold War.

    • How close would they be? Almost like a fly by at an airshow? I sometime wonder if the Bear crews did it just to get a look at something they don't get to see every day. (Aside from the recon aspect that is. You know, just for their own enjoyment of aircraft.) I myself would love to see a Bear one day. Maybe one will show up at EAA eventually like the An-124 did back in the early 90's.

  6. Fabulous shot with phantom!

  7. Great plane, great pictures, great model, good job all round.

  8. Nicely done Robert especially that of a rather unique aircraft. Not often seen modeled.

  9. At 1:200 that's nice work Robert - striking looking aircraft too.

  10. Great pic with the carrier! The Bear is such a cold war icon. Well done.

  11. What a beast. Great photography

  12. Looks good Robert, I like # 6 with the carrier below !

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