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Darren Dickerson
71 articles

Tamiya 1/48 P-47D BT RAF "73 OTU" Egypt 1945

February 27, 2018 · in Aviation · · 11 · 3.3K

A definite must do for any serious modeller!
Decals from Xtradecals sheet, very good with no issues from memory.
Ultracast seat and wheels

Happy Modelling

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Jesus Christ Darren, just how many Jugs have you? You must have Tamiya’s stock options by now 🙂
    ALL of them have the same high standards, featuring superb painting, judicious weathering and some of the best decal profiles in the market. Your “little” P-47 collection is one of a kind, certainly the best I’ve seen of any kind of plane. Congratulations.
    P.S.- Guessing other people will be shy to post their Jug(s) after this show 😉

  2. Still plenty more to post, just need to take some pics!
    The P-47 was a perfect canvas for nose art and attractive schemes, and surely one of great military aircraft of all time...
    Thanks for your kind words, hope to see plenty more P-47's from everyone else or maybe inspire someone to go and build a Tamiya P-47 or 2. God help me if they ever release the P47N...

  3. Yep, more Jugs than...well, let's not go there. Perhaps more 'Bolts than Louis has Corsairs - if that's possible?

  4. Oh, and just amazing work, Darren. If I could produce something of this quality I'd be tempted to hang up the 'badger' and say, "that's it".

    'Badger' meaning my airbrush, seems obvious but I just read how weird that could sound.

    • I use a Badger for all of my painting - Detail 200.
      Single action - easy to use and clean. Not to mention relatively cheap to buy. If I need spares I just buy a new one!
      For NMF it works perfectly - just point and spray...

  5. ...and the hits jus' keep on comin'..." - wow!

  6. Nice clean work, Darren, and the natural finishes not too brash.

  7. I'm sensing a pattern here, Darren - but I'm not quite sure yet of what it is.

    Seriously, this is another beautifully done P-47. I love it! You're right about the Jug being one of the best aircraft of the time and many had great artwork.

    Well done.

  8. Another beauty - seeing all of your collection at one time would be a nice touch! The Jug looks really good in British markings.

  9. An especially nice finish on this one.

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