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Alfredo Cofré
13 articles

The Tamed Horse: Captured Mustang P-51D, Italeri 1:72

February 11, 2018 · in Aviation · · 6 · 4.8K

This is the Tamed Horse, second entry in my "Caged Birds" collection about captured planes. This scheme came from Pinterest

The kit is a F-51D with Reheat Models P51D/K PE and Vallejo and Mig paints, plus some Humbrol clear cote. The build was quite fast but, as always Italeri does, the fit is not good and at the canopy section is just poor. I used a lot of putty in the fuselage. Nevertheless, has very good details even when the grooves could be deeper for better pin washing. The cockpit was amazing but I made the mistake of spraying mate cote AFTER installing the canopy, so little can be seen inside... little lessons that every build teach me.

I hope you liked it. Next, the Ronin.

With my first Caged Bird, the Captive Jaeger, FW-190 A-8.

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4  Awesome

6 responses

  1. Nicely done! Interesting idea, caged birds.

  2. I've seen many photos of US war birds in "captured" markings (and vice versa as well) - but have never actually built one - don't know why, though...guess it just "goes against my grain" (lol). I like the FW-190, though. 🙂

  3. Nice theme you've got going there, Alfredo, what's next?

    • Most probably, the Akutan Zero. In the plan there are also a german Spitfire, a japanese Hellcat, an english Stuka, an english Folgore and I'm not sure to which country I'll give a-Me-109, probably URSS. Then I'll build a bird cage and put them all together inside, if by then my wife is still letting me sleep in my bedroom.

  4. Looks good, Alfredo. I've also never built any captured planes, but I have a lot of interest in them.

  5. A nice unusual scheme, and nice theme you've got going there!

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