Well Chris, we'll remember this Maine! Really well done, my friend.
I sure wish you had put something of everyday use close to it for a size comparison ... oh wait, that was a burgundy-colored pen not a submarine! Sorry, I couldn't resist! Seriously, the pen made me appreciate the detail even more. Those 1/700 scale ships are TINY!
Never seen a ship model quite like this one. At first I thought "...a Pinewood Derby entry for ships...?". But as I perused the series of photos, it was then I realized what an intricate accomplishment this truly was. A feat I would most certainly not undertake. Very nice work, my friend (you must have the eyes of a hawk).
I echo Greg's comments. I would be frantic with all that detail, but then again some people find golf relaxing...(little ball, little hole, great big green...um, no...)
I realize this is an old post, but I can't help myself to comment. Fantastic! Incredible! Inspiring! I could continue, but I think you get the idea. There is much to be learned by observing your build photos. I was most impressed with the technique you used to mask the decks and I am going to use it at my first opportunity. This build is nothing short of Superb. The skillful detailing in such a small scale inspires me to do better work on my own projects. Well done and thank you for the photos.
Very nice ship Chris offering exquisite detail, thanks for posting!
Well Chris, we'll remember this Maine! Really well done, my friend.
I sure wish you had put something of everyday use close to it for a size comparison ... oh wait, that was a burgundy-colored pen not a submarine! Sorry, I couldn't resist! Seriously, the pen made me appreciate the detail even more. Those 1/700 scale ships are TINY!
Well done, Chris!
Never seen a ship model quite like this one. At first I thought "...a Pinewood Derby entry for ships...?". But as I perused the series of photos, it was then I realized what an intricate accomplishment this truly was. A feat I would most certainly not undertake. Very nice work, my friend (you must have the eyes of a hawk).
wow, you did a lot of work on this one. Very detailed for 1/700. Looks really nice.
Yikes! Hard for me to fathom how working in such small detail can be called "relaxing!" Nicely done!
I echo Greg's comments. I would be frantic with all that detail, but then again some people find golf relaxing...(little ball, little hole, great big green...um, no...)
Fabulous detail, though. Wow.
Instructive and very inspirational!
I like how you presented the building sequence... no captions needed, pictures speak by themselves!
Wonderful work!
Wow, amazing work, particularly in that scale.
I realize this is an old post, but I can't help myself to comment. Fantastic! Incredible! Inspiring! I could continue, but I think you get the idea. There is much to be learned by observing your build photos. I was most impressed with the technique you used to mask the decks and I am going to use it at my first opportunity. This build is nothing short of Superb. The skillful detailing in such a small scale inspires me to do better work on my own projects. Well done and thank you for the photos.