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BAFO Mosquito

April 6, 2018 · in Aviation · · 16 · 2.1K

Yep I'm still here, just short of 'bench time' because we've been moving house (again ! - four times in six years including the move down here to NZ). So here's my first project since the move.

Even though it's a kit, I really took my time over it as I built it because I 'promised' a friend (and fellow modeller here in NZ) that I would, however that was four-and-a-half years ago. So after spending some considerable time on the 'Shelf of Forgetfulness' I decided to get my backside in gear and finish it as my first 'major' project following the recent house-move.

Not straight from the box, I've added Master .303 barrels (after the photo), Ultracast resin wheels and exhausts, and inside if you look hard enough, there's an Eduard Zoom set. Decals for this 107 Squadron machine are from a twenty-five year old Superscale sheet (worked flawlessly). Paint is all enamels. Mig weathering powders for the cordite stains and tyre dirt.

So there you have it, please feel free to make any comments, ask any questions or hurl some constructive criticism. Thanks for taking the time to look, have a great weekend folks.

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Outstanding, Ian! We can't have too many Mosquitoes buzzing around the pages of the iMod website! Ha!

    Seriously, this is great. I love the underside weathering. It looks very real!

  2. Absolute top build! As Jeff said, it's nice to see this kind of weathering on the plane! I hope your move to NZ brings more creations like this! Have a nice weekend too Ian!

  3. "...the shelf of forgetfulness..." - sounds so much more 'forgiving' than the shelf of doom, doesn't it...? This wooden wonder turned out really nice - glad you resurrected it from that shelf you keep moving (lol). 🙂 🙂

  4. Nice paintwork. Glad you finished it. I’ve got a Tamiya Mosquito on the “shelf of non-motivation”. It’s been there for 3 years. I can’t get excited to finish it for some reason. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. beautiful bird. Love the paint scheme and finish.

  6. very very nice!

  7. That's a great looking Mosquito!

  8. Thanks everyone, always appreciate the compliments & comments, never take them for granted. Next will be a (Kiwi) Kittyhawk, then probably a 'new' Airfix Hurricane.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  9. Ian, very nice work, I like seeing a well built Mosquito !
    You mentioned you used enamel paint, what brand did you use. I'm looking for suggestions being Testors model master is discontinuing most of there military FS paint selection.

  10. Terry, I used three brands - WEM, Humbrol and Xtracolour, all British brands, of the three I really like WEM (White Ensign Models), mixes beautifully and goes on with a perfect satin finish. Bonus is that they all mix with each other too !

  11. Ian, help the Yank out-BAFO- is that British Armed Forces Overseas? I remember BAOR, figuring this is more of the same. Abbreviations, the militaries just love them! Lovely Mosquito! I was once a SP/4 with the 9th, in the RVN, at HQ with the G-2.

  12. British Air Forces (of) Occupation...

    Wikipedia is your friend !

  13. Ian, thanks! Even better!

  14. A masterful Mosquito, looks beautiful!

  15. Great to see you back in action Ian. Wonderful Mosquito, great details and some nice weathering.

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