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Colin Latta
54 articles

Flying Dragon – P-38 Lightning of the 459th FS, Burma

May 15, 2018 · in Aviation · · 13 · 3.7K

This is the old updated somewhat. I started the kit because I had the original Aeromaster decal sheet with the dragon's mouths done in the wrong colors (later printings had a correction sheet) The result was the Dragons had to be masked and painted

The kit was rescribed, worn area of wing riveted, all flight controls and flaps had to be defined/rescribed in order to stand out, all engine scoops on the engine nacelles and the supercharger were opened up, and a scratch built gunsight, instrument panel, engine controls and wiring were added to the cockpit. A modified Ultracast seat was used.

  • Bazooka's and wheels are spare from and Academy kit
  • Landing gear detailed, oil coolers in nacelle, and radiators /interior structure added to radiators on tailbooms, brass tubing for guns.
  • Dragon faces and mouths were masked and painted, green color custom mixed to match decals, Aeromaster decals for the rest of markings,
  • Painted with Tamiya acrylics using "hairspray" technique for worn/chipped paint area's, weathered with oils and acrylics

Hope you like ...


Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. Beautiful work, Colin...really nice build.

  2. Gorgeous lightning, and extra cool points for doing such an awesome build with the vintage kit. great work!

  3. Colin, This looks fantastic. Very well done !

  4. Exceptional work on an old workhorse of a model Colin. Proves one can take an old Monogram kits and bring them up to today's standards. I like it.

  5. Great detailing project! Looks excellent.

  6. great job with an olde but goodie kit!

  7. A masterful build!

  8. Excellent! Love Your paintwork and the overall build!

  9. Beautiful job on a beautiful Lightning, Colin! Really outstanding work on an old classic kit.

  10. Wonderful to see Colin. Brings back memories; if I remember correctly I built three of these & I still have one! You've done a great job of updating an icon. You don't see many Lightning builds these days & there haven't been any new kits for years.
    Thanks for sharing & reminding me I have an Academy kit in the stash...

  11. Great model work and a lovely presentation. I think the weathering is perfect and I especially love the B&W photo (9) as a comparison to the real deal. Fantastic, Colin.

  12. Wow! I am stunned for your job!

    I have a couple of this Monogram kit in my stash, and I've been waiting to gain more skills before build them. Your job is certainly inspiring.
    I think is time to try!

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