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12 articles

FW-190A-4, EDUARD, 1/48 (ProfiPACK)

May 1, 2018 · in Aviation · · 17 · 3.2K

Hi gents,
this is my very first post/article on imodeler and I want to show you my latest build...

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. A beauty, looks very realistic!

  2. Awesome! I love desert camo on German planes. Excellent job.

    Brian Riedel

  3. Welcome to the site, my friend...looking forward to more excellent builds such as this.

  4. A great job, love the desert scheme!

  5. Miroslav, Wonderful looking 190, I really like the paint finish and the nice touch of weathering, well done! and welcome to imodeler !

  6. A great-looking 190! Love the scheme, and a nice touch on the weathering. Welcome to iModeler!

  7. Hi Miroslav. Really nice build that's a lovely first post and a great choice for an introduction. That canopy is terrific, crisp and clear. Beautiful colors.

  8. Welcome. Beautiful work!

  9. It's a fantastic kit. Great result.

  10. Nice to see the panel line shading under control. Too often we see it overstated, which spoils the effect. Good job, and welcome!

  11. Very nice. I agree with Rob. The shading and weathering is subtle and realistic.

  12. nice build and great choice of scheme - a little different. I like it

  13. simple camo but masterfully finished!

  14. Thank you very much for comments, it's a great pleasure for me, indeed.
    This model is very nice for assembling without any problem during my work at 190.
    For reference (for some details) I used my photos of FW-190A-8 from RAF Museum Cosford

    p.s.- English isn't my first language, so please excuse any mistakes ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Welcome to iModeler, Miroslav! Your English is fine.

  16. Thanx Jeff ๐Ÿ™‚

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