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George Johnson
73 articles

WIP: The 1/32 Ho-229 Saga Continues

May 7, 2018 · in Aviation · · 9 · 3.5K
This article is part of a series:
  1. More Z-M insanity.
  2. WIP: The 1/32 Ho-229 Saga Continues

Almost finished with the SWS Ho-229. The body and wing panels are removable to show off the nifty interior parts. The underside of the wing and center section will be given the plywood treatment, and I have to do a little retouching on the center section. The Mr Mark Softer I used dissolved the undissolvable AK Extreme Metal.I used Mr Paint for the gray, but ended up mixing my own to match (somewhat) the colors of the Ho at the Smithsonian. I simulated blistering of the paint above the right engine using the salt technique. I keep finding stuff to do/add every time I look at this thing. I'll be glad when it's finished.

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7  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. George, I'll keep the couch warm for when you finish. In the meantime, don't you have some more details you can be working on?

  2. George, I appreciate how you might be looking forward to hitting the tape on this, but I wish it could go on for a long, long time - it has been a brilliant series of posts - here and on your blog. What stands out for me is the thought behind it all. You are clearly very advanced in your modelling skills, but the details you keep finding, and your execution of techniques to deliver on your ideas is just relentless. I really admire people who give away their best ideas - and you are certainly fitting that bill! Thanks again!

    • Thanks, Paul. It's been quite the journey and a learning experience. I'm happy to pass on any tidbits of knowledge that I gain from my experience. It's always fun to see how people interpret and finish their own models.

  3. As I've said, I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing this one again real soon, my friend. 🙂

  4. Drop dead gorgeous!

  5. Greg said it best!

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