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Boris Rakic
72 articles

Brewster F2A Buffalo Tamiya 1/48Aicraft Model

October 16, 2018 · in Aviation · · 13 · 2.3K

Another beauty by PLASMO. The old (ancient?) Tamiya kit gets a proper treatment:

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

13 responses

  1. If there were a modeling superhero it’d be Plasmoman. This is sublime.

  2. Would that I could get my fingers work that well. Nice!

  3. Can someone tell me if he wiped the oils with a clean cloth or was it embedded with white spirit or similar? I just can’t understand that part.
    That detail aside, the whole build video is a must see for all, regardless the level of experience one has. I thoroughly enjoy it.

    • He uses a dry brush to work the oil he wants to keep ie smoke etc and uses spirit on panels to clean them up a little. If you watch enough of his videos you will pick up some of his skills and uses of oils. I’ve certainly learned from him and taken my modelling to a higher level.

    • I think he said dry tissue in the film. If you want to try out this stage in weathering I suggest you try both ways on scrap model to see the difference. A dry tissue will take away less of the oils and a wet tissue will of course take away more. Sometimes a dirtier model or area is preferred so you can use different ways to create the effect you wish. This way the eye gets more interesting and varied colours.

      • Thanks you both for the comments. I’ve been using oils for quite a few years but I tend to blend the oils with a brush or cotton bud. Already saw several articles where the modeler usually a cloth or kitchen paper towel to wipe the excess and was not sure if Plasmoman was doing just that

  4. A very interesting film. I seldom watch films on modelling but his approach was a bit different to what I usually use for my own projects. Really nice colours and the end result is fantastic.

  5. Beautifully done, sir.

  6. Boris. Very nice. I like this a lot !

  7. David's mention of this website at the end of the Buffalo video is why I'm here!
    Love his work; I've had my eye on him for several years now. His channel keeps getting better and better.

  8. More than ever modeling has become, a collaboration combining the printed medium, the internet and now we see these tutorial shorts. You no longer have to go to(drive) modeling clinics and your viewing people who live thousands of miles away. For those of us who are not "digital natives" who grew up with out having to plug things in or buy batteries and had to wait for the papyrus scrolls to be printed once a month this nothing short of a miracle.

  9. He makes it look sooooo easy! The proof is in the pudding, tho. The finished model looks gorgeous! I'm glad I watched this - Thanks for posting it, Boris.

  10. Plasmo is a legend. It's he and The Inner Nerd that set the fire under my enthusiasm to return back to the hobby I loved in my childhood.

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