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Michal Walusz
20 articles

1/48 Tamiya Messerechmitt Bf109E-4/7

January 24, 2019 · in Aviation · · 11 · 1.9K

Hello Folks

I would like to present my second completed in Bf-109 kit. It was start at the end of 2018 but finished this year. The kit I' talking about is old Messerschmitt Bf109E-4/7. As all Tamiya kit goes together like a dream not real fuss. The paint scheme I was choose is one of the box representing 7./JG26. Weathering was done using Tamiya Panel line washes and some oils, pastels.

Kit manufacture: Tamiya 61063
Type: Messerschmitt E-4/7 Trop
Extras used: PE seat belts from Eduard, Master metal barrels
Paints and colors used: Gunze Model Color RLM 65, RLM74, RLM04, RLM75, Tamiya Rubber Black and RLM22.


Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. Lovely Bf109, Michal! I really prefer the early model ME109s, with the sleeker, and not so bulbous nose. Your kit is VERY nicely done and that paint scheme is excellent. It looks like a well-used, but not abused aircraft.

    Well done!

  2. thumbs up! nice one

  3. Nice one.

  4. Nicely done Michal, looks good.

  5. Outstanding build AND photography, sir...well done indeed.

  6. Outstanding finish.

  7. Excellent build and beautiful paint work,congratulations on a well done project.?

  8. That's a real beauty Michal - the E is my favorite, and love those yellow-nose birds as they're so colorful. nicely done!

  9. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Nice work Michal.

  10. Very nice! The weathering looks great, as the paint job. That is a Battle of Britain bird, right?

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