The Russian KV-1 and 2
This model is a KV-1 tank with the optional KV-2 turret. This build was a small, quick one. Working nonstop after school (after homework of course) really allows one to release stress.
I took your guys' suggestions from my last post and made a new backdrop to hopefully emphasize the tank. I used weathering powder to add rust and used pliers to damage the areas around the track, specifically the front and back panels. I thought it would make it realistic. This kit was one I purchased at Hobby Bench, and it also contained the parts to build a KV-2 turret, which is why I bought it.
It would have a crew of 6, and could go 16 miles per hour. It weighed in at 57 tons. Its main gun was a 152mm M-10. It also contained several 7.62mm machine guns. It could hold 37 rounds of its turrets ammunition.
looks great in both configurations...well done
Nice work Jordyn on a very interesting piece.