Introducing myself
Hello there @ iModeler!
Today, I want to show you some pictures of my current life as a modeler.
The first picture is showing me meeting Mig Jiménez at the Nuremberg Toy Fair about 2 weeks ago; this was one of my highlights early this year.
Furthermore, there are some pictures of my modelling kingdom; this biiig room even got a sofa and one of our cats is spending time there with me from time to time. The model kit box Louis is lying in is too small or is it even him being too ... ?
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
Thanks, Maarten!
What is it about cats and sitting in boxes? Thanks for posting these photos, I always like seeing where fellow iModelers work at their projects.
I’ve followed ‘Mig’ on YouTube for some time - looks as though he may be adding some, ah, Abteilung Black or midnight blue to his hair these days...
Thanks again, Michael.
Thanks again, David ; your comment about his hair made me laugh out loud
Great intro, Michael. Welcome to iModeler. If you have a cat and a box they WILL get together at some point! David, I don't know WHAT it is, just that it IS! It's a CAT!
Thank you, Jeff!
Welcome! My cat Mia loved my work space.
2 attached images. Click to enlarge.
Here one of ours getting involved in a recent build...
I know, Tim and David, sometimes it is hard for them to accept not being in the middle of your attention...; very cozy pictures!
Your modeling "kingdom" is exquisitely appointed, sir...the the kitties make it more so.
Thank you, Craig. Actually I would like to be more often king in that kingdom, but need to go to work also...hope that will improve sometime!
Your hobby room is so awesome! Today i‘ve used your colors michael!
Thanks, Patrick! Yes, I am very grateful for that location!
I do think that "Birds of a feather,flock together." More like "Paws of the fur, purr together." or more like "Sons of the Desert " for some of us cat lovers.
We got two shelter cats and one stray. Found as a kitten abandon, underneath a car... who fit in the palm of my hand. We ended up with a Maine Coon... 14 pounds and still growing. He is the chief modeling inspector.
Michael, looking forward to seeing some of your work and reading your modeling adventures.
Dear Stephen, thank you. Your words inspired me to post some more articles about my modeling adventures (sure and work, too).
Welcome to the forum
Thank you, George!
Welcome Michael! I like your setup and assistants!
Thanks for your reply, Michel. Honestly I got some more assistants (probably my wife will also appear some day on these articles...)
Welcome to Imodeler !
Looks like you have a very nice setup there... and a helpful assistant. I really like the name of your assistant too "Louis". Not that I'm biased towards it or anything.
I have stood next to the Saturn 5, and just as it seems huge with Von Braun standing next to it, it looks even bigger in person. Very nice introduction, and once again welcome aboard.
Dear Louis, what a fun with your name...sorry for having used it for a cat...
What I like about that Von Braun picture: engineering abilities of human kind and what it can achieve: such a small brain: and such an enourmous vehicle!
Would like to see it in reality, too!
Nice man cave! Very sophisticated. I hope Louis helps out with some of the modelling!
Can I introduce you to Stephen? He helped me build the laFerrari. ?
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
Um, Richard, is that damned thing alive?
I literally juddered when I saw that. It’s imagining the clicky claws on the cutting mat. And the scuttling. Oh, god, and all those legs.
He is indeed, that's just Stephen.
Very pleasant creatures. Not at all aggressive!
There are some dangerous species mind, but they only sting if you upset them!
Thank you, Richard! Mister Crab or Mister Scorpio @ work hihii
Hey, Michael. Servus und willkommen.
Looking forward to your models ...
Servus Johannes, thank you for your comment! The next article will be about the model I was most satisfied with last year. Will do that soon. I really love your MIG15! Very good work and presentation!
Nice modeling room, and I see your Skystreak on the shelf. That was a real beauty. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Dear Gary, thank you very much for your comment! Will post an article of one of my last works soon!
Welcome aboard - and I'm salivating over your workspace! Some day...
Thank you Greg, honestly it took me some decades to get there...maybe one of the advantages of getting older?...
Although I'm also fairly new here, I would like to say welcome to the site. The guys and gals here are great people who give great advice.
Dear Jordyn, thank you for your reply; yes I agree: I also love all the people here!
very nice "office" my cat (gattowalter) would love it!
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Dear Franco, actually we do have 3 of them at home. Yes, they like to be in the middle of things...thank you for your reply.
Thanks, Franco!
Pic#9 BAD KITTY! Actually I know the feeling. Maybe SOMEDAY Lord Fuzzball will allow me access to my Harrier pile!
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
Lord Fuzzball really deserves his name; I would also avoid trying to get my fingers on one of those kits in front of him...
His name is actually Bonsai and is very sweet but belongs to my girlfriend (along with four other Persians). He often does this to me while I lay on the couch and my GF comments that I'm his human! He only likes that pile as that just so happens to be the spot the sun shines in!
Hi Josh, Bonsai is also a very cool name! Okay-now I know the story behind the scenes!