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Reggiane RE 2000 / J.20

February 8, 2019 · in Aviation · · 11 · 2.6K

Classic Airframes kit. There's quite a few changes to make this model more accurate, the cockpit opening shape, the forward fuselage panel lines and the flaps are some of these. If one wants to do these improvements, pick up a copy of " RE 2000 Falco, Heja, J.20" by Maurizio Di Terlizzi, it will give the reader all the information needed to do so in a much more coherent manner than I could do. I did have to vac form a new canopy hood to pose it open as the kit part is too small to do this. I also added canopy slide rails and a scratch rear view mirror.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Very nice work...I especially like the job you did on the paint scheme.

  2. Beautiful little Reggie Anne, Dale! Like Craig, I really like your 3-tone camo paint work.

    Well done!

  3. Nice to see a beautiful Swedish aircraft, well done. The number 10 should be to the left on both sides of the crown mark, not toward the rear as now. A rather confusing detail that tends to mess things up every now and then. Please have a look at some period photos from 10 Sqn Click on them to enlarge.

  4. Thanks, yes I know about the #10. I've got the Swedish Fighters book by MMP, I wasn't paying attention when I put the decal on! The blue of the Swedish markings on the Classic Airframes decal sheet is also too light. I recently picked up a decal sheet from Flying Colors Aerodecals that has the correct blue on the roundels. I plan on over painting the incorrect "10" and roundels then applying the correct markings.

  5. Love the Italian camo in the Swedish Markings!

  6. Having done this kit, I know the effort you expended to get this really nice result. Excellent work!

  7. If your removing decals maybe easier to use masking tap or painters tap and pull them off. Something I've done several times. Regardless of the decal Faux pas, the painting and the building of this kit and its correction really stands out. The decals are a minor correction and the model really is impressive. Models certainly can evolve with new information and can be changed to suit. Just like history. Two thumbs up on this the one Dale.

    Classic Airframe kits ...easy is not a adjective used to describe.

  8. Thanks to all for the comments!

  9. A great-looking bird - and looks really nice with the Swedish markings.

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