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Daniele Ristori
3 articles

Mig29M – Trumpeter 1/32

April 4, 2019 · in Aviation · · 9 · 4.7K

Hi to all, this is my last job my Mig29m: I imagined this fighter during the first flight tests, without signs and without camouflage, but only with the premier of the factory.

Some parts are self-built like the engine, the avionic compartment and the interiors on the Mig's fuselage.


(sorry for my bad English)

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Wow! You can keep your "bad English" as it is widely compensated by your ability as a modeler.
    The Mig-29 is one of those beautiful airplanes in history, and you built an amazing model of it.

  2. Yes, it is really amazing!

  3. That is marvelous! Great details and paint/finish work, and overall a beautiful modeling project. Well done!

  4. Very high caliber work!

  5. Beautiful Project!
    It was incredible!

  6. Excellent build!

  7. I can but only concur with [all] the above...outstanding build, sir !

  8. thank you again ...

  9. That’s amazing mate! I love the concept!

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