Sea-going Tupolev: Brengun 1/144 G-5 XIII torpedo boat
Brengun's resin Tupolev torpedo boat is a superb little kit, with flawless castings and a nice photo-etch fret for some of the finer details. It was built pretty much out of the box, painted with Tamiya acrylics then weathered with oils and pastels. In this scale it's easy to over-do the weathering so I kept it fairly restrained.
Stunning model. What a creature. Only the Russians...
THAT is special. A lovely piece of craftsmanship.
I love these new 1/144 scale kits! When I started scale modeling three decades ago, these were only toy like simple kits. And now... better and more detailed than many larger scale kits.
Your build is amazing, I really like the paint job.
Good lookin' little build right there.
awesome mike
A great build !
Beautiful work, Mike.
Nice work Mike, the model is small … but your skills make it look a lot bigger. Very good modeling.
Wow, and 1/144 at that! Nicely done Mike.
Wonderful Mike - perfectly done paint & weathering, and a great choice of an obscure subject - AND done so well for such a small-scale critter!
Sweet! I'm gonna have to get me one of those.
Wonderful, paint job especially!
TOO small ... for me personally, BUT ...
It looks outstanding, Mike. It looks MUCH larger than the scale would suggest.
Absolutely well done, Mike! Thanks for sharing.
(PS - I've never seen one of these boats, so that is also another factor regarding my admiration for this build.)