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Mee Wan
76 articles

1/35 scale Commando Cadillac V-150 PDRM

August 18, 2019 · in Armor · · 7 · 3.1K

Greetings ,

This is another build of the V-150 Commando Cadillac in Royal Malaysian Police scheme which is from the Hobbyboss kit. My previous build of this subject was mostly closed hatch display with no interior details to showcase. This time around I decided to have a fully opened interior hatches to have some sort of exposure of inside the V-150. I made some mild to heavy weathering at certain areas of the V-150 (chipping + mud stains) to express wear and mud effect during jungle patrols. Overall I'm happy with the result off course there is always room for improvement. My next V-150 build will be a 1/72 scale diorama with LED lighting effect, till then cheers.


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7  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. Outstanding piece of modeling, sir...very nice work indeed.

  2. VERY nicely done, Mee Wan! It looks well used, but not abused.

  3. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Nice work Mee Wan , good work on the weathering.

  4. I'll echo congratulations on the painting and weathering. Beautiful work!

  5. Really dark colors can be hard to produce on a model, but you created a great finish on the model.

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