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Ferry Dierckxsens
31 articles

North-American P-51-D Mustang Airfix 1/72

August 2, 2019 · in Aviation · · 22 · 2.7K

It has been a while, but just finished my P-51-D from . This is the kit with their new tooling and it's a very nice kit to work on. Tolerances are tight and I managed to build it without a single blob of filler. With exeption of tape-seatbelts build OOB.

After a base coat with Tamiya semi-gloss black I painted the whole aircraft with Vallejo Metal Color Aluminium. The blue nose is done with Vallejo Model Color dark blue and the tail is done with Tamiya flat red. All covered with Tamiya clear gloss before applying all decals including some very tiny stencelling.

Some panel lines done with Vallejo black wash and everything sealed with Tamiya flat clear.

This Mustang flown by Lt. Eugene James, 352nd FG, 328th FS, RAF Bodney Norfolk England .

I hope you like it, I will certainly build some more Mustangs now.

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

22 responses

  1. Nice one! Glad to see Airfix going ok. Please show some photos of the under side.
    Congratulations on your build

    • Thank you Manuel. As per request some pics from the underside.

      2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  2. Looks very good. I love metal finish, cause I'm incapable to do one.

    Nice job.

  3. Ya can't fool ME, my friend...that's too well done to be such a small scale build. 🙂

  4. Dang! I thought this was 1/48th! Beautifully done.

  5. Great looking blue-nosed Pony! One of my first builds back into the hobby was a blue-nosed Hasegawa Mustang. The blue on silver combo is just a great scheme! You NMF looks great!

  6. Gorgeous, Ferry, especially in 1/72. For my money, nothing beats the scheme of the Blue Nosed B***s of Bodney. Nicely done.

  7. Yes indeed, that Airfix kit is without a doubt the best 1/72 P-51D out there. You did a great job on it, too.

    Here's mine, done the same way you did yours (including the Vallejo aluminum).

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  8. Looks good Ferry, nicely done, Toms too, mine in a different scheme, paint !

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  9. Nice looking pony Ferry, I like it.

  10. nice panel lines too

  11. Very nice model indeed. Thanks for sharing it

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