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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Want! Want! Want! (updated info)

August 27, 2019 · in News · · 8 · 1.5K

ICM has released computer shots of the new B-26B-50 (Korean War) version of their upcoming B-26 Invader. Finally! It looks right, and it's the 8-gun nose version. I will definitely be getting one of these!

Coming this fall!

UPDATED INFO: I've been in touch with ICM, and the kit is coming out the end of September.

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

8 responses

  1. That's an impressive looking model. All that internal detail reminds me of the Monogram Marauder I made about 40 years ago!

  2. Then you should definitely Buy! Buy! Buy! ... 🙂

  3. I have already made my dealer promise to get me one. I have had decals for a late war Pacific theatre 8 gun nose airframe for ages. I can stop procrastinating about splicing in a resin 8 gun nose that I know is a different width to the Monogram fuselage. It will be interesting to compare these two kits from different decades.

  4. I want want want one too!

    Been waiting for years for a new tool 26 in this scale even though I have built two Revell-Monogram versions but never was really satisfied with them. This looks very promising. Let’s hope ICM gets it right.

  5. This model will be great, if the photos are the way the finished model looks. I LOVE the B-26/A-26 and have for decades! (I even like the Always movie - because of the planes!)

    Thanks for bringing it to our attention, Tom! @tcinla

  6. Me too, Tom. My uncle flew these in Korea and he’s the guy who got me hooked on airplanes.

  7. I hope they took the time to look at a real a/c and get measurements. Given that we now live in the age of computers and everything gets digitized...something that can improve or surpass the Monogram kit. Like the Six dollar man with Steve Austin ...we have the technology.

  8. Wow, they have quite a selection! I may have to get Matt Younkin's Beech to get some color on the shelf! (Almost had a heart attack when I scrolled down and saw the Il-62 in the 1/48 section. It is in fact 1/144.)

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