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Djordje Colovic
58 articles

1/48 Eduard Mig21PFM

August 27, 2022 · in Aviation · · 16 · 1K

This model I received as a gift from my friend who tragically passed away. I started doing it about a year ago, but it was very traumatically for me to continue with it. Finally, as a omage for my friend I decided to finish it.

I don't have much to say about 's Mig21 family. Simply excellent. Only trouble was with undercarriage, but that was made by me. But, it could be easily repaired. Model for which I can tell that it will give you a joy and simplicity as a Lego.

I decided to do it in Vietnam colors. As a big history fan, especially in love with era until ‘70s I knew that this one is going to be dedicated to Vietnam.

This aircraft was flown by 921st Fighter Regiment „Sao Do“ (Red Star) in 1968. The first examples of MiG-21PFM were delivered to this unit during this year. Some sources say that this particular MiG was flown by Nguyen Van Coc, a fighter ace credited with 9 kills. I was into research when I found out that color callouts from Eduard's manual can be somehow poor. In fact, I thought that it would be more interesting to do the underrcariege in alluminium, and other part of the plane in green modifications.

I used Alclad II, Xtreme Metal, AK real colors, Vallejo… to finish the model.

I did the weathering with some color modifications, paneling and filtering to represent the discoloration of the camo scheme. I didn't want to overdo it and to strip the plane untill I reach the alluminium base. As I sad earlier, this was omage for my friend, and I wanted to do it as he would do it.

Very enjoyable model to build, highly recommended.

Stay safe, cheers and be free to comment!

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11  Awesome

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16 responses

  1. Great work, Djordje! That’s one of my favorite kits and the Mig-21 is my favorite jet.

  2. That kit is obviously a classic and has made a great memory of your friend.

  3. Can imagine the difficulties on finishing this kit, Djordje @sheol
    She turned out amazing however and will be a great remembrance to your friend.

  4. It looks very nice ! Glad you decided to finish it.

  5. Well done, Djordje! I too can understand that you put this kit away for a while. Still, you finished it, which I think was the best thing to do in memory of your friend.

  6. Great looking Mig, Djordje (@sheol). The paint and weathering look terrific.

  7. "This model I received as a gift from my friend who tragically passed away."


    You never forget friends who have passed. You learn to live with their passing. You've brought out the best in this kit and it is a fine tribute. Some strong work in the construction and painting, With some tight painting around the canopy, landing gear, wheels and there wells. The top side greens are convincing and the undersides have been dirtied up with panel washes and the like to make the Mig-21 look like its in the field and in service. The article is interesting and to the point.

    Thank you for sharing and looking forward to your next model.

    Two thumbs up.

  8. A fantastic 21 - love the chosen scheme, and the weathering and paintwork looks great.

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