The Invader Database at iModeler

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Douglas A-26 Invader

Monogram 1/48 A-26C Invader "Jersey Bounce"

1/48 Monogram A-26C "Jersey Bounce" 90th Bomb Squadron, 3rd Bomb Group. Korea 1952 I started this ages ago after finding it for super cheap online with an Eduard interior set thrown in with the listing. Grad school, work, and [...]

A-26c Jersey Bounce question. Please advise

I've been working on Monograms 1/48 a-26c for some time now and need some advice on decals. About half of the sources I've seen (mainly decal sets) have the nacelles black with the underside wings black as well. The other half have only [...]

ProModeler/Monogram 1/48 A-26B Invader

In spite of inaccuracies in shape and raised panel surface texture, Monogram's Invader is a comfortable build that retains the characteristic features of the aircraft.

Video: Building the A 26 Invader Part 1

This video is the first part of a series about building a 1/48 scale A-26B Invader from the best of the Monogram and ICM A-26B kits. New episodes will be posted to the Scale Model Workshop Patreon Channel: (link) Special thank you to [...]

Review: ICM B-26B Marauder

It has been almost 46 years since Monogram gave us the B-26B/C Marauder. Amt also produced a short wing variant as well. 1978 (the year I graduated from California High in Whittier) is when AMT and Monogram first gave us a Marauder in [...]

Rivets? I'll give you rivets.

So found a local bargain place with some model kits. So snagged the Atlantis repop of the box scale B-26 Invader. Talk about Brooklyn Bridge scale rivets. We got it so good nowadays. What amazed me was the framing in the clear parts were [...]

Review: Halberd Models 1/48 P-51C racer "Beguine"

The “Beguine” Racer: William Paul (“Bill”) Odom, flew for the Chinese National Aviation Corporation (CNAC) from 1944 to 1945, flying “The Hump.” He was determined to make a name for himself in postwar aviation. He did so in [...]

Douglas DB-26 B/C with drones

This is kit for me. 🙂 Drone carrier DB-26C, Holloman AFB, late 1950. Ths is beautiful ICM kit Like a parrot, i say kit for me 🙂


My second contribution is actually my first subject to start with for the GB. The Monogram/Pro Modeler Douglas B-26B gun nose variant. I was also building the ICM glass nose variant along side this project. The known issue of the [...]

Revell 1/48 A-26B Invader

The Douglas A-26 was in essence the company’s successor to the A-20, first flying in prototype form on 10 July 1942 at Mines Field, El Segundo, with test pilot Benny Howard at the controls. Featuring an innovative NACA laminar-flow [...]