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Djordje Colovic
58 articles

1/35 MiniArt Kfz.70 MB 1500A

September 17, 2019 · in Armor · · 14 · 2.8K

Well well, what to say… what can one modeller say and try to stay polite… I've been fighting to get this model tooth and nail. Finally my girlfriend went to Germany and get mi one… this is two models in one from ; Kfz.70 MB 1500A and 7.62cm F.K. 39 (r). I decided to take a break from excellent, SIMPLY EXCELLENT Airfix Fg.1 and to return to armor. In fac, I'm mainly building armor instead of planes…

I took this model from stash, opened it and… Ok, someone said that with this model MiniArt is entering high level competition with Dragon. Ok, details are excellent, final product is ok, buuuuut… Every single sprue is packed in one bag! Only clear parts are put with decals in one bag, and 3 pe frets are together in one envelope. Parts, every single sprue had a parts with so much flash that I've been cleaning them for hours without any real progress in making model! Than came tha instrunctions, HORROR (to quote Brando from “Apocalypse now”). Instructions put You to make so small part for the wheels and it is made from about 2,3 pe parts and fragile plastic parts! Insane, because You have to put whole model onto those weheels! Even if You are trying to do the best out of making process You are going to do something wrong, one side is bigger, second is smaler, one part is higher aligned because parts do not fit, parts in chasis build simpply do not FIT! I had to cook plastic parts in hot water to return them into shape… Apart from this, plasic is very, very, veeeeeeery fragile soft and, believe it or not, TRANSPARENT, parts for the doors are so thin that You actually see through them before priming… Side mirrors are made from 7 parts! And the whole mirror is about 1cm big! I don't know why is so necesseary to torture the modeller.

Clear parts, well they are everything else but clear… Like some took protective cover from some copied book and put it into the box to act like clear parts… PE parts are so small than I who have excellent sight had to use magnifying glass!

After using so much putty I have finished building process after some 2 months!

I used spare figure from Tamiya and made some modifications to it to feel like it is driving this horrorw 4 wheel model.

I primed it and painted it with acrylics and weathered it just with oils and pigments. After so much problems I'm feeling satisfied with the model. It is really beautifully detailed model but process of building is really troublesome. It is recommended for modellers with higher expirience. When I finish the gun I will make small diorama and post it with comments for gun... Spoiler alert... I heard that the gun is real problem for build 🙂

Feel free to comment, waiting for comments, cheers to You all!

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14 responses

  1. Nicely detailed and weathered, my friend...good work.

  2. The good news is, being all grimed up, I can't see most of the stuff you say you had problems with. 🙂

    This looks very realistic. Excellent work.

  3. Nice work, for all your troubles it came out great!

  4. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Now there's one you don't usually see on a normal basis, and yet you have done a spectacular work on it Djordje. Very nice weathering , considering the somewhat negative side of this model, she turned out great, a real looker.

    • Thank You my Friend! I would see how woulf turn the gun from this kit... If I menage to make it without problems I will be happy. No matter the problems, MiniArt's details are awesome.

  5. A beautiful result! Weathering and paint work are excellent. and an unusual subject as well. Nicely done!

  6. A real beauty! I like the weathering on this one!

  7. “I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor." - Colonel Kurtz
    Odličan je Djordje! Originalan i lepo završen; baš mi se svidja.

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