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Brian Scott
80 articles

1/48 Airfix P-51D 352 nd FG Ed Heller

September 7, 2019 · in Aviation · · 9 · 2.1K

The new tooled is Airfix Mustang is a beautiful kit . Finished the model in Ed Heller's markings of the 352nfd FG . Model painted with Mr Color , Xtreme airframe Aluminum and tamiya paints . Enjoy 🙂

70455313_471700817016053_6730962391401496576_n by b007scott, on Flickr

69994017_471700870349381_6296835244674777088_n by b007scott, on Flickr

69696932_471700877016047_8687828480202637312_n by b007scott, on Flickr

69691534_471700913682710_3438313546004299776_n by b007scott, on Flickr


Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

9 responses

  1. A really NICE Mustang!

  2. Good looking pony Brian.

  3. beautiful job as always Brian...I always loved Hellers escape story

  4. I thought I saw this "Blue Nose" in the background of your LAST post - was hoping you'd post it...nice work.

  5. Nice work on this one Brian. The Airfix Mustang is a winner.

  6. Fantastic job on the Mustang...

  7. Lovely blue nose Mustang, looks the real thing

  8. Another great build, sir!

  9. Another nice build.

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