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George V Guimaraes
43 articles

Trumpeter 1/48 A-37A Dragonfly

September 2, 2019 · in Aviation · · 19 · 2.7K


This is my as used in Vietnam in the '60's. It's a special kit for me because I graduated in the Air Force in his older and less powerful brother, the T-37C. Nice little bird though. I wish they had a kit for it, for conversion from this one should be very demanding.
I've used PE parts and the painting was free hand, since masking was very tricky for this scheme.
Hope you enjoy!



ps: the chart over the panel is a 1:250.000 of South Vietnam, of course...

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

19 responses

  1. Very nice looking aircraft, well done

  2. I really like your work on this a lot, George. Beautiful paint work and a superb result - the cockpit looks excellent. Trumpeter definitely got this one right - the A Team was on the job. Makes me think of going looking for one.

    You're right it would be very nice indeed if someone did the T-37C, which is indeed a difficult conversion from an A-37 (tried it and failed with the Monogram kit). I'd definitely love to have one, to memorialize the flight in which I got this photo.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  3. Splendid camouflage, very eye catching. Sure to make heads turn

  4. Absolutely...what they said...splendid work !

  5. Beautifully done! Aurora had a T-37 way back in the before time, don't know much about the kit though.

  6. Really nice build!

  7. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    A very nice presentation of a plane that in my view … is very outspoken, yet very useful and dependable.
    Nice work on that model George, good job on the camouflage painting.

  8. Excellent build! When we were stationed at Craig AFB in the early 70's, my dad was an IP in 38's, but the base also flew the Tweets. Love to watch them take off and land! I've got several A-37's to build (mostly for my "aircraft of S. America" project), but DO wish someone would do a 1/72 T-37 version!

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