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Juan Ravizzoli
35 articles

ZSU-57-2 from Trumpeter

October 2, 2019 · in Armor · · 6 · 2.1K

This ZSU-57-2 is from , . A very well detailed kit, with a very good lace parts, which almost did not have to add any detail. The assembly can be divided into two parts: chassis, wheels and turret (assembled quickly and with good detail), and the double barrel of 57mm. This last part is much more laborious, with many very small pieces, but the result justifies it. The painting is Soviet Green by AK. The wear and soiled is made with washes of AK, Casttle Art and Vallejo pigments and graphite.

I hope you like it...

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Very well done, Juan! I like it a LOT!

  2. Stunning model Juan! It’s a showstopper If you ask me

  3. Nice work, sir...I don't recall seeing this piece previously. Thanks.

  4. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Now here's a model not seen much, nice work on this one Juan.
    The weathering is subtle yet very well done, very nice work.

  5. Looks very nice. Well done.

  6. I have seen the history of this tank and I like it.

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