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Mike Grant
22 articles

Yellow Wessex

November 9, 2019 · in Uncategorized · · 17 · 2.7K

This is the HAR.2 from Models in scale. It's a nice kit for the scale with recessed panel lines and pretty good detail overall. I added a little bit of cockpit detail including seat harnesses and instrument gauges, and also built the winch above the main door.

Because of the short-run nature of the kit some of the panel lines were quite soft, so most of the lines were re-scribed to make them sharper.

The main concession to accuracy was the rotor head. I needed to make the rotors removable for storage, hence the utilitarian approach. It looks pretty crude on the enlarged pics, although at actual size it's not too noticeable.

Yellow's not the easiest colour to apply so I primed the model with pink, then airbrushed thin layers of Tamiya X-8 Lemon Yellow until the right shade was achieved. Mark 1's decals were awesome, with lots of stencil detail. The various aerials were added from stretched sprue.

Reader reactions:
17  Awesome

17 responses

  1. 1/144th scale? Really?

  2. Until the last pic, your build quality makes it look much larger than 1/144. That is one pretty cool looking whoppy-chopper. I really like this, Mike. Well done.

  3. I would have never guessed this was 1/144th. Outstanding job!

  4. Bl..dy h.ll, looks like 1/48! Great job.

  5. Amazing. I didn't believe you till that last shot.

  6. Absolutely gorgeous!

  7. Stencils in 1/144! Very well done.

  8. Very good job on such a tiny model ! It looks like 1/72 at least, I'm impressed...

  9. The Wessex/H-34 are my favorite helos, and your model captured it beautifully. Like the others have said, it is hard to believe it is 1/144. I have this and a couple other Mark 1 models, but every time I take it out of the box I look at the ultra-small parts and change my mind. Awesome job!

  10. RESPECT, great build in this tiny tiny scale!

  11. All of the above! Great job!

  12. Thanks for the kind comments guys!

  13. Simply amazing Mike! Excellent job on that, and like the others I would've guessed a larger scale. Great work!

  14. So nice, especially for the scale! The pic with the paint bottle really clarifies the effort.

  15. Hello Mike,
    As mentioned above: "1/144 scale" Master Modeler.
    Regards, Dirk

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