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Allon kira
70 articles

Academy, IDF M151 A2 in 1/35 scale

February 24, 2020 · in Armor · · 15 · 5.6K

Hi Guys here is my , A2 in scale.
Aftermarket parts:
Legend 1377 1/35 M151A2 Detailing Set
Eduard 1/35 M-151A1 Shmira photo-etch
1/35 AEF Designs Israeli IDF M151 Shmira jeep resin conversion HTF
CMK 1/35 M151 MUTT IDF (Israel Defense Forces) Armament Set
DEF Model 1:35 IDF M151 Shimira sagged wheel set
SKP model 1/35 Lenses and taillights for M151A2
Legend 1/35 IDF M151A1 Shmira Detailing and Accessories Set

Colors and weathering effects, by Ammo-Mig and Tamiya.

Have a great day!

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

18 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Very nice work, I like the weathering and painting. Nicely done, would look at home in a nice middle eastern diorama!

  2. Wow, you put a lot of effort in your work! Nice detailing. Now the skilled weathering really needs a dio 😉
    BTW, one IDF question...Was the Magach 6B Gal introduced after the ´82 war or already during the war?

  3. Thank you, Reinhard! well, I'm an artillery man... but as far as I know, the Magach 6B Gal tanks were built in th 90's, long time after the first Lebanon war.

    • Ok, thanks.
      Then I don´t have to buy one of the new Meng or AFV Club 6B Gal kits 🙂
      As you may have noticed, all the models I already posted here are my dad´s work. When I hopefully get back to this hobby in the nearer future, I´m planning to do, among some other themes, some Arab-Israeli conflict armour stuff from 48, 56, 67, 73 and 82.

  4. Another beauty! Your weathering work is great, but I'm really impressed by your highlights/shadows. Fantastic realism in your builds.

  5. Great work on the mighty MUTT.

  6. Hello Allan,
    Excellent model. A big ten for realisme.
    Regards, dirk

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