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Dennis Meyers
108 articles

Takom 1:72 M1070 w/M1000 w/D9R Bulldozer Part III -- The Full Monty

February 18, 2020 · in Armor · · 16 · 2.7K

The final installment--tractor, trailer and dozer (and a whole lot of dirt). The last step was to put the trailer to the tractor and the dozer to the trailer and tie it all together with copious amount of pastel dirt.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Wow David @dmeyers, this is just freaking fabulous! Well done. The weathering is perfect. This a show contender for sure.

    Great Job!

  2. hell yeah! this is awesome. How was the build and the kit and fitting? I am seriously tempted to build this as well

    • The fit is really good. Needed almost no filling or sanding. It is 1/72 scale, though, so there are lots of fiddly bits, particularly with the many trailer wheel assemblies.

  3. Amazing. It really does "look real."

  4. Very realistic, must be huuuge! Only for those with a large display case 😀

  5. Impressive build, congratulations! And you refrain yourself on dirt and weathering as it could have a litle more or a litle less. There's no right measure on that and you achieved a nice look! Thats what matter.
    Like a lot, congratulations!

  6. Nice, nice, amazing build, congrats sir.

  7. All of the above! Beautifully done!

  8. 1/72? This is a freakin' great build in any scale. Kudos!

  9. Wowie Zowie! Outstanding!

  10. Nicely done Dennis, looks REALy good !

  11. Great build, hard to believe it is only 1:72!

  12. The copious amounts of dirt look just right on this beast! Well done.

  13. Outstanding work Dennis, I really like it. A show stopper for sure.

  14. I agree with the previous comments. The dirt on the blade looks just right.

  15. Hello Dennis,

    Master Modeler. excellent photography.
    Striking and powerful subject.
    Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

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