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Arado Ar 234 Blitz Bomber

April 30, 2020 · in Aviation · · 19 · 3.7K

This is an older build that I was inspired to post after seeing Tom Rogers great build earlier today. While his has a great story behind it, mine doesn't. This is the / kit and is built basically out of the box, except for the addition of the photoetch seat belts.

The kit, in general, is very nice and a fun build. As I remember there are a few minor molding issues on the fuselage that clean up easy enough. The major issue I ran into was the join point of the cockpit assembly to the fuselage. The joint occurs in the middle of a raised section that goes around the fuselage instead of in front of or behind it. The shape and fit weren't very good and for me the solution was to remove the raised section from both components, glue it together and then duplicate the raised section with a strip of plastic, that also just happens to cover your seam!

I finished the kit in markings from the in late 1944 or early 1945. Kind of just having fun build and paint. I would recommend this kit to anyone interested in German or any jet aircraft from WWII.

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11  Awesome

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19 responses

  1. Nice looking model

  2. Excellent build, Walt. Camo with the demarcation lines is outstanding. Cockpit too! Got both 2- and 4-engine kits to build and I am tempted now. Noted the cockpit joining to fuselage issue.
    All the best!

    • Thanks Spiros, if you want a fun generally stress free build, remembering it is not a Tamiya, this might be a good choice. And really you can do a real aircraft of do some what if's or 1946 versions.

  3. Very nice. “C” model with four engines. I can’t imagine how much “fun” flying that would have been. Your camo is beautiful. I’d be scared to try it.

    • Thanks Tom, but after seeing your paint work, I think you would have as much fun with it as I did and it would turn out great. Practice a little and give it a try, German schemes offer so much diversity in camo you can have a lot of fun with them.

  4. Great work, Walt. I remember doing one of these when it came out.

  5. Great paint job Walt.

  6. I like so much this strange bird. Excellent job, Walt. Bravo!

  7. Walt that's a good looking Blitz Bomber. I have one in the stash, may have to put it on the build list.

  8. Great to see this kit built - nice job Walt !

  9. Good luck trying monitoring and handling four volatile jet engines while navigating at low level. Model looks amazing. The lighter spagetti pattern really breaks up the outline of the aircraft.

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      Walt said on May 1, 2020

      Yes the spaghetti pattern does break up things, plus it adds interest to the aircraft. It is part of what I like to look for when I pick a kit to build. I like color, interesting markings, paint schemes, as well as anything unusual that will make people look and take interest. Some attempts are, of course, more successful than others. Thanks to you an all the others for the kind words, I am very appreciative of them.

  10. Great job Walt, nice paint job.Cool looking aircraft

  11. Very sharp Arado and fine camo work.

  12. beautiful walt

  13. Very nice! Love the paint job!

  14. Very fine build & paint. Particularly excellent job on the RLM 76 wav-eys.

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