Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8: The Butcher Bird
A straightforward build of Eduard's 1/48 scale FW 190A-8 finished in the colours of Blue 4 of JG.5 stationed at Eismeer in Norway in April of 1945.
This model rounds off my late-war Luftwaffe 1/48 scale collection.
As ever with modern Eduard ProfiPack series warbirds, the kit goes together beautifully provided one thoroughly cleans the flash off each part before assembly. Painted with a mix of Gunze 'Mr Color' and Tamiya acrylics.
Video build here for those interested:
Excellent work, Justin! I liked the video. Your painting and weathering is outstanding!
All the best!
Too kind as ever Spiros - thank you very much sir!
I agree, the weathering is superb, that's something to really be proud of, well done!
Thank you very much Andrew!
Beautiful work - looks fantastic.
Thanks Greg!
All of the above, nice work!
Cheers Robert
Very nicely done. The weathering is subtle and looks superb. I like the satin varnish final clear coat. For me, that seems more to scale than a matte finish. Matte works better on desert subjects which should look "dusty", but seems a bit overdone on other kits.
To be honest that's somewhat accidental in the sense that I did use flat clear for the final clear coat after using satin for the post-pin wash one... however, I agree it looks nice not too matt. In reality of course, aircraft finish depends very much on the light and viewing angle...
Nice. Especially love the final photo showing a proud line of top line fighters in German service, all looking great.
Late war Luftwaffe is certainly a compelling source of modelling and painting subjects! I realise I could go deeper down the rabbit hole with a Komet, Arado jets, Volksjager etc but figure with limited time and shelf space the Anton, Gustav, Dora and Schwalbe are the important ones to have represented
That’s a nice Wurger Justin. I made the same kit just a couple of months ago (posted here also), and it was made in a JG.5 machine also. This Eduard A-8 is the best of the market isn’t it?
3 attached images. Click to enlarge.
Your airbrush work is incredibly clean Pedro! She looks magnificent. Could I ask what airbrush you use for the detail work? I've got a H&S Infinity CP Plus 0.15mm but can't seem to get such clean lines even with careful thinning and pressure control.
Thanks for the compliments Justin, but I also use a H&S airbrush, same tip and needle diameter you use. Perhaps paint maker or the paint dilution ratio might explain that
Super result. The new Eduard 190s are just soooo superb.
To be honest, all the new Eduard warbirds are stunning kits - sometimes a bit fiddly but fit is generally superb and that surface detail is utterly unrivalled. Speaks for itself that this A-8 in 1/48 was far easier to put together (especially the cowl area) than the recent Revell 1/32 scale F-8 which I built three years back.
G'day Justin,
The Fw 190 is my favourite aircraft and you have done a great job on this one.
I have the same kit to do, though I'm thinking of the box-art aircraft.
I also recently bought a Royal Class A-2/-3/-4 dual combo.
I have too many kits on the go at the moment, but I have these at the top of my next-to-do list.
I've built a Dragon A-5 and a Tamiya F-8 (and have a Hasegawa A-5 to build) and want to see how these kits compare.
Beautiful job!
G'day Michael! Sorry, I only just saw this comment - I'm sure you'll have an absolute blast with the Royal Class duo and this A-8, Eduard really are the finest 190s on the market as far as I'm concerned. Hope they go well!
Justin, great looking butcher bird! I like the blue on the spinner and cowl, makes a nice change from the usual RLM yellow. Very nicely weathered too?
Cheers Ben - I must admit I sifted through a few of Eduard's different late war Fw190 boxings specifically to find a scheme I liked... so pleased you feel the same about the blue trim look!
Excellent build and choice of scheme - got the 'new' version of this kit on the way, but supplies to New Zealand are taking an age. Our importer/agent is tearing his hair out with frustration.