Hasegawa, 1:48 Scale Focke-Wulf Fw-190A-4 "Wurger"

April 4, 2020 · in Uncategorized · · 7 · 1.8K

This is my latest build. Finished it about a week ago, along with the , which I still need to run the aerials on.

    Great kit, that really went together well.  Excellent detail, throughout even if it is a little fiddley in spots.  I enjoyed the build and would recommend it to all.  Instruction sheet was the typical <a href="https://imodeler.com/tag/hasegawa/" class="st_tag internal_tag " rel="tag" title="Click for the Hasegawa database at iModeler">Hasegawa</a> type, fold out, with easy to understand illustrations.  Decals appeared thick on the sheet, but reacted well to setting solutions.   

The one caution I need to leave, has to do with the cowling. There are five pieces to it, and if you don't get them all lined up JUST right, your gonna have trouble. Lots of test fitting is the rule of the day with that baby. Otherwise the kit really looks great, and in my opinion, edges out the Tamiya "190's" in being a better kit. I drilled guns, added belts from paper strips and a streched sprue antenna. Weathering is by thinned oils and pastel chalk.
Kit is painted using Gunze Enamels in the standard German day fighter scheme of RLM 74/75/76. Markings are those of Leutnant Eberhard von Burath, STAB I Gruppe, JG 1 from Deelen Holland during summer, 1943.
I'll post the P-38 in the next few days after I attach the aerials.
Thanks for looking, y'all!

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Excellent model, Frederick. A pleasure to look at. I also liked your subtle weathering. Looks very real!
    All the best!

  2. Nicely done JG1 bird!

  3. Good looking Wurger Freddy. And 5 pieces for the cowl,! Wow , surely would be trouble for my modeling skills. Well done and nice pics too.

  4. Another typically superb Freddiebuild. I like this one a lot - a well-known subject, done really right.

  5. Beautifully done!

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