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Paul van Acker
119 articles

1/48 Tamiya Ki-61

May 22, 2020 · in Aviation · · 19 · 2.5K

Finished. -1 Hein "" . 68th Hiko Sentai, New Guinea December 1944 flown by Susumu Kajinami. Surviving the war, he claimed 8 victories in New Guinea, with a total of 24, till the end of hostilities.

I specifically got the Tamiya kit cause I knew with the paint job, it would be much easier to hold the fuselage and paint, without the wings in the way.

The Tamiya kit fits so well, you can do that without at sanding or filling between the joins. Almost didn't need glue.

Rising decals for the tail only. They broke apart so I used kit decals for the rest.

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16  Awesome

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19 responses

  1. Nice work Paul. Very nice indeed. "Liked."

  2. Great job, Paul. Your painting is stunning!
    All the best!

  3. Very well done Paul, looks great.

  4. Now I was thinking yesterday, now that I'm in the middle of Japan mania, I want to revisit the 68th Sentai Hien with the fancy palm frond wavy camo job. So onto ebay, where one can be had (1/32 scale) for 70 clams. I said nah too much, but now thanks to yours, I'm doing it.

    Yours looks great, you did the waves very well. One wonders why, if you were going to camouflage a plane, why not cover it up more? Get rid of some of that aluminum glare. Just an attempt to break up the outline? Artistic liscense? Or a paint shortage in New Guinea (awfully hard to get supplies in there, you know). Whatever the reason, it looks good anyway.

    • Thank you so much. Yes it's a very unique pattern. I'd guess it was up to whoever decided to paint it, as far as design goes. I don't know how much good it would have been, but I thank them for it. ?

  5. Well done Paul, I like it

  6. Very tidy build.

  7. A Tamiya classic; nice work!

  8. Sharp looking Hein Paul.

  9. Nice work. Interesting that you painted it before final assembly. Looks like a great kit.

    • Thank you. I specifically got the Tamiya kit cause I knew with the paint job, it would be much easier to hold the fuselage and paint, without the wings in the way.
      The Tamiya kit fits so well, you can do that without at sanding or filling between the joins. Almost didn't need glue.

  10. Sleek looking build!

  11. Nice one Paul. These are great look kits & I really like what you've done. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Thank you all. Much appreciated. Paul.

  13. Very nice - love the squiggles scheme, and you pulled it off nicely. Well done.

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