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Scott Snow
13 articles

1/48th F-104C

July 9, 2020 · in Aviation · · 9 · 2.2K

Here are a hand full of photos of my , 1/48th scale . It depicts FG-891 of the 479th Tactical Fighter Wing. Because of it's colorful scheme, this Starfighter is probably one of the most photographed airframes. What can I say about the kit, it was mostly a shake and bake build, requiring almost no filler. The decals were perhaps a little on the thick side but not enough to adversely affect the end result. I used Alclad metal lacquers for the overall airframe and highlighted other panels with Testor Metalzers. The tail was painted with Tamiya acrylic gloss-red and the wings were painted with Xtracrylic white. The only issue I had, and with me there is always at least one, was that I broke the very delicate and very thin main canopy. I replaced it with a canopy from the old Monogram kit.

Overall, an enjoyable build - hope you like it.



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12  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Nicely done. Love the color scheme!

  2. 104's are just beautiful ... as is your rendition of one, Scott.

    I remember back in 1983 during the 1983 REFORGER (REturn of FORces to GERmany) military exercise being attacked by German A7 Corsair IIs and F104s. It was really cool watching them as ground attack aircraft, a job they don't always do.

    Really well done, Scott. Your NMF looks beautiful!


  3. Yeah, George Laven's WingKing 104 is definitely one of the best, markings-wise. Nice work on this. The metal finish is outstanding.

  4. Nice job. I love that kit and am working on a couple right now. You’re right about the canopy. I put a tiny fracture in the last one I built.

  5. That's an outstanding job, Scott! happens with the canopies, a lesson never learned from me.

  6. Hello Scott,
    Overal finish of this F-104 is top-notch.
    And yes, in each model construction something goes terribly wrong.
    In the hobbyroom, I changed from carpet to wood. The flashlight made overtime.
    Regards, Dirk

  7. A colorful 104 indeed.
    A great build with a nice finish.

  8. I can see why it is one of the most popular Starfighters, and your rendition of it looks like it could match the namesake! Very well done.

  9. Absolutely beautiful!

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