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Sebastijan Videc
44 articles

MiG-21SM 'Fishbed-J'; Azerbaijani Air Force; Eduard 1:72

August 9, 2020 · in Aviation · · 40 · 3.4K

There's hardly anything more to be said about the MiG-21. And the same goes for the excellent line of Eduard kits in 1:72. So let's talk a little bit about the Azerbaijani MiG-21s.

I have found about this, rather obscure subject, when browsing through Linden Hill decals catalogue, after I've built a Su-17M3 in Azeri colours. The decal sheet is rather simple – just a few bort numbers and roundels, and a couple of smaller markings and that's it. However, both the options, the Yellow 17 as well as the Yellow 45 provided an interesting painting challenge. Azeris got their MiGs from Ukraine. There's really not a lot to be found on these MiGs on the internet, neither the info nor the photos. What I assume is that these aircraft were ex-Soviet birds, sitting half derelict on some ex-Soviet airbase in the Ukraininan territory and the Ukrainians returned a few to airworthy status, with some overpaints of the standard VVS camo, new markings for the Azeri Air Force and that's it. So what we've got are nicely weathered birds with some fresh paint oversprays which took air-to-ground action in the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

I initially wanted to display the model with a combination of UB-32 and UB-16 launchers but unfortunately, that ain't possible on Eduard kit as when you install the UB-32 on inner pylons, there is no place for the landing gear cover or vice versa. Decision was hastily made to replace the UB-32 with S-24 rocket and leave the UB-16s on the outer pylons.

Video in progress builds:

Model Data
Company: Eduard
Scale: 1:72
– ASQ72008A Helicopter & Aircraft external details. Part A – Aerials, etc.
– Linden Hill MiG-21SM combat veterans of Azerbaijan
– Temp Models KM-1 ejection seat
– Master MiG-21MF pitot tube
Paints used: Mr.Paint
Camouflage: MRP-101 SEA Dark Green, MRP-165 Grey Green, MRP-166 Chestnut Brown, MRP-167 Light Earth, MRP-168 Grey Blue,
Other details: MRP-173 Tire-Rubber Matt, MRP-050 RLM02 Grey, MRP-32 Green for wheels, MRP-1 Turquoise cockpit, MRP-147 Burnt Iron, MRP-148 Exhaust Metal, MRP-178 Mid Green, MRP-195 Sukhoi Cockpit Blue, MRP-199 Su-33 Blue, MRP-200 Su-33 Dark Blue, MRP-276 7K Russian AFV Tan)

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

16 additional images. Click to enlarge.

40 responses

  1. Nice! I love the camo scheme!

  2. It all works...the cameo is designed to break up the shape of the MiG so it blends into the back round. However, Sebastijan you've manage to paint this kit so that it not only wears the cameo but, it looks like a Mig-21. With the paint being in scale and not becoming blobs of color. Not a easy paint paint job. If you hadn't mentioned the scale my first impression was that it was in 1/48 scale too.

    Two thumbs up

  3. Hard to believe this is 1/72, Sebastijan (@inflames). The Mig 21 was the big, bad dog on the block when I joined the Air Force in 1973, so I have always had a soft spot in my heart for it. I agree with Stephen that the camouflage is well-done and effective. The cockpit also looks the part. Great job!

    • Thank you, George! I see the -21 as the AK-47 of the aviation - cheap, easy to maintain and deadly. And I guess that's one of the reasons, there's countries flying it still today. And with so many produced, the marking choices for a modeller are almost unlimited.

  4. Great looking Mig, Sebastijan! I'm another who thought this was at LEAST 1/48th scale!


  5. A Mig of a different color, looks great! I'm partial to the Mig 21 also, being an old Phantom maintainer, I probably mentioned this before, but I painted a silhouette of one on my flight deck jersey. Our C.O. tangled with one over Vietnam.

    • Thank you! I really like the VVS tactical camo scheme, but seeing a photo of Azeri MiG with that camo weathered and overpainted in places, made me wanna build one. I can imagine F-4 jocks had love/hate relationship with this fighter.

  6. Great camouflage job at that scale! The thicker spine on the Mig-21 always looks meaner and more purposeful than the earlier marks. When I have read the stories of Mig-21s dueling with F-4s in Vietnam it is impressive how well they did with relatively low time pilots. The base is also interesting, did you make that as well?

    • Thank you very much, Wayne. I too prefer the look of 3rd generation -21s with enlarged spines. As for the Vietnam stories - I've read quite a lot about those dogfights in the last couple of years and listened to a few interviews and supposedly, the -21 was very manuverable and easy to fly (apart from landings) and with surprise tactics, they got their share of kills as well. The base comes from Coastal Kit Displays and it's a piece of tarmac really nicely printed, which gives sort of a 3D illusion.

  7. Outstanding camouflage, the airbrush work is just perfect. First model I see sporting Azerbaijan flag, interesting

  8. Hi Sebastijan @inflames!
    This is such a great build, with an obscured, most atractive scheme. Your result definitely fooling the scale!
    Wonderfully executed camo, with that weathered paint and some touchup patches.

  9. Love the paintwork. Hard to believe this is 1/72. Excellent work overall.

  10. Profile Photo
    said on August 9, 2020

    Top stuff from you as usual Sebastijan. Very nice job.

  11. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    The paint work alone is very eye catching, and the added details and dedication for this build make this one a very singular build. And yet when one considers the scale, one can really comprehend the work involved, very nice work Sebastijan .

  12. I've been contemplating getting one of the Eduard MiG 21's and seeing yours makes me want one even more. This is a great looking model. Excellent finish, love the scheme.

  13. That's a real beauty! Not a lot of markings, but the camo pattern really carries the day. I may have to snag a set of those decals and follow your lead - I have a couple more 21's the stash...

    • Thank you, Greg!
      Yeah, I guess most of the stencils faded with time and during the "overhaul", only roundels and new bort numbers were applied. So this step, which can be quite long in the running, was actually pretty quick.

  14. I echo the positive comments of all. Your build is OUTSTANDING. We should all be so fortunate to have your exceptional skills with the airbrush. All good.

  15. Nicely done Sebastijan, looks good.

  16. So many things I like about this build:

    • The plane itself, the MiG 21 is legendary
    • The interesting and splendidly executed camo scheme
    • The off-standard carrier nation, Azerbeidjan is certainly one of them
    • ...
      Thanks for posting!
  17. Great job, Sebastijan! Your paintwork is phenomenal in 1/72 and I really like the colors. They look pretty authentic.

  18. Fully agree on all the above credits you already received, Sebastijan.
    You preformed an impressive paint job on this one.
    Hard to believe this is 1/72 scaling.
    Well done.

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