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Eric Berg
50 articles

PTO/VJ Day: Remembering Ike Kepford

August 17, 2020 · in Aviation · · 14 · 1.5K

I may as well jump in on this bandwagon honoring the 75th anniversary of VJ Day that marked the end of fighting in the PTO. Here's my tribute to Ike Kepford who was the Navy's highest scoring WWII ace with 16 victories. I built this F4U-1D pretty much out of the box at least 15 yrs ago and all i can remember is adding those old school bulging True Details resin wheels and appropriate decals. Enjoy.

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8  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. That's an excellent Corsair, Eric.
    Ready to startup and take off from that soil improvised airstrip!

  2. Very nice. Love the weathering

  3. Really sharp-looking corsair, Eric. The faded coral dust-weathered look is very convincing. Just the right amount of chipping in my opinion.

  4. Eric, you have the weathering spot on! great job.

  5. Great looking Corsair! I like the paint and weathering

  6. It's already been said but I agree, Great Weathering. Looks like the plane is ready for some well deserved R&R.

  7. Thanks for the compliments everybody.

  8. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Lt. Kepford has always been one of my favorites, I had built two of the Revell 1/32 scale Corsair with his markings ( both destroyed by Hurricane Hugo ). I have two more unbuilt 1/32 scale, his will be done again, I already have the decals. You have brought to my mind god memories and from one Eric to another ... very well done, your soft touch on the weathering is very well done and applied.

    • Thank you for your kind remarks. I’ve had a few written off plane mishaps myself caused by past earthquakes rattling the shelves out here on the west coast. Not sure what is worse: hurricanes, tornadoes or quakes? Currently it’s raining ashes from all the fires out here in CA caused by lightning storms. Ashes ruin paint jobs. I guess I better bring my models inside - ha ha.
      From one Eric to another.

      • I'm not an Eric, but let me say this about your question regarding Hurricanes, Tornadoes or Quakes. They all suck! I live on the edge of the Midwest's Tornado Alley, so you have perspective.

  9. Good looking bent wing bird Eric, great paint job and weathering as well.

  10. Fantastic build, Eric.
    Paint job and weathering is fabulous.

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