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Alistair Gauld
115 articles

Academy 1/72 PBY-5A Catalina

October 27, 2020 · in Aviation · · 23 · 2.7K

Hi There,
This one was built for the wee fellas roof.
No nose weight and undercarriage to deal with... Yeehah.
I haven't strung the aerials yet and not sure if I will as their absence will make hanging a lot simpler.

Primed with UMP Grey
Painted with Vallejo Chromate Green, USN Blue, Flat Aluminium, Nato and Rubber Black
Chipping by Sivikrin
Finished with Windsor & Newton Galeria Satin Varnish.

As always,
Thanks for looking and all comments and criticism welcome.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. It's a beautiful plane and I like what you've done, but would like to see some more photos. From underneath for instance?
    And how did you find the kit? worth the money?

  2. Great job, excellent weathering!

  3. Nicely done Alistair.

  4. A very nice Cat, Alistair!
    Have never built an Academiy Cat, but I've heard they are good, solid kits!
    Well done!

  5. This is a great looking Catalina, Alistair.
    Chipping is done very nicely.

  6. Your model turned out terrific! The chipping and weathering is spot on.
    Thank you for sharing your build!

  7. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    A real enjoyment to watch Alistair. The weathering is so well done and very convincing.

  8. That's a real beauty, and I too love the chipping work. What exactly is Sivikrin - never heard of it!

  9. Hi Greg.

    Thanks so much.

    Silvikrin is a UK brand of hairspray.

    The phrasing was just my failed attempt at humour.

  10. Really nice looking PBY, Alistair (@alistairfgauld). I also had planes hanging from my ceiling when I was a kid. There were 15 or 20 all hanging from one line strung from corner to corner in my room. I had a string structural failure and mass crash one night. Boy, would I like to have some of those kits back now.

    • Thanks so much.
      I also had kits hanging form my ceiling when I was young but never had them crash down thankfully but I agree I would like to have some of them now.


  11. Your nephew's a lucky boy, Alistair, I hope he appreciates the effort and skill you've put into this Catalina.

    • Thanks very much for your kind comment.
      He is very appreciative.
      I agree about the effort but not to sure about the skill part. I tend to get lucky a lot.


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