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Amari Luu
39 articles


December 5, 2020 · in Aviation · · 17 · 2.1K

Hello everyone,

This time I wanted to build a slightly larger aircraft. I chose the and since I had another speech and debate I finished it during the competition wait time. The annoying thing about these competitions is that the judges for the most part have no care at all for history. I received feedback that my speech on how Panzers influenced World War II was "not very relatable". It's hard to get my audience to actually pay attention to history but by some miracle I managed to win today. With the plane itself, I wanted to paint it with the metallic color but that quickly turned into a sticky mess so I had to resort to olive drab. The good news is that my family's new house will be finished in about a month and I will be allowed to get an airbrush there.

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17 responses

  1. Uh oh - watch out! Amari's getting an airbrush! 🙂

    You sound like you have the same problem I had a very long time ago with people "relating to history." Tacitus had the same complaint.

    Nice work. You're going to be "formidable."

    • Thank you Tom Cleaver @tcinla. From the multiple "experiments" I've tried on my friends, they can be clueless about history. I've now taken it as my personal goal to help them understand the events that shaped today.

  2. Nice Mustang ! Good luck to you and your family with the new house.

  3. Nice job on your Mustang, Amari @themturtles!
    Even more so, as it was a save after your NMF mishap.
    As for the critics, listen to them, evaluate them, take anything useful out them and then (but then?) proceed with your own raised voice.
    Good you are getting an airbrush, as you are moving to your new home!

    • Thank you Spiros Pendedekas @fiveten. I have picked up on a lot of things to improve upon my speech next time though the next competition may be in 2021. Definitely looking forward to the airbrush.

  4. Well done, Amari.
    Getting an airbrush was one of the best decisions in my modelling history.
    For sure you will get some amazing results with that.

  5. Nice save! An airbrush was the best tool I have bought for modelling. My tip is never throw out paint when you are finished painting. Use it up getting to know how to do different styles, painting spots and lines, even signing your name. Also play with different pressures and most of all have fun doing it.

  6. Your Mustang looks OK despite the mishap with the NMF, that's how you learn.

  7. Great job Amari. You will love the smooth finish you get from an airbrush.

  8. Well done, keep it up, an airbrush will expand your skills!

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