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Predrag Ivanovic
26 articles

EDUARD (SH) Fairey fulmar 1/48

March 14, 2021 · in Aviation · · 7 · 2.4K

Here is my latest work. Everything with this model went fine, almost till the end. Then, when i was removing masks, i revieled a broken canopy clear part. For a few days i didn't do anything, and then... I decided, it stays the way that it is. So, in front of you, a Fulmar with a broken canopy...

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10  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. This is an excellent job whatsoever, Predrag!
    Pity about the canopy...
    Have you considered asking SH for a replacement?

  2. That's a frustative moment, Predrag.
    Despite the broken canopy, your Fulmar looks outstanding.
    An absolute like.

  3. Great work on this not-so-easy kit (ask me how I know).

    Special Hobby will be happy to send you a replacement. They've done it for me several times.

  4. Great result, shame about the canopy, maybe it was a bird hit? Definitely liked.

  5. Very nice work!

  6. I really like that! Nice scheme, and it looks nice and "used." Also not a subject you see built much, so all the more enjoyable to review!

  7. Thank you all for kind words, now, on computer i see there is some problem with pictures resolution.

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