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Robert Royes
258 articles

F/A-18E Superhornet, VFA-31, Final Felix, Italeri 1/72.

April 21, 2021 · in Aviation · · 9 · 2.2K

This is the last of post WW 2 Felix rides, I hadn't really planned on doing it,not being a fan of the F/A-18, but when I saw the Two Bob decal sheet I changed my mind, I opted for the kit, being the cheapest that I could find, Our hobby has gotten so pricey of late. The Italeri kit is okay but it suffers from some lack of detail it being a model of the prototype. I used Tamiya rattle can, no more Model Master ugh!

I chose not to weather it because by chance I was able to tour their hanger[ the same one they occupied when I was with them when they flew F-4J's] and flight line recently, and most of the aircraft looked remarkably clean.

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4  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Nicely done Robert, looks good and clean, meeoooww !

  2. We of the West Coast Community in the 80s considered those East Coast squadrons the 'show' squadrons so I would say your assessment rings true, Robert- looks like the 'Bugs clean up pretty well! Well done sir.

  3. Very nice work Robert, nice coverage with the spray can.
    I gotta admit that I kinda miss all the bright tail colours of yesteryear.

  4. Nice and clean, Robert.
    Well done.

  5. Great Hornet, Robert!

  6. Nothing wrong with using Tamiya spray cans, I really like this Super Hornet.

  7. Looks great! I don't think I've figured out yet which is the better value: buy a new high-dollar kit (that often contains great details, sometimes PE and resin, and excellent decals), or pull out an old-dog kit that cost me $3 at a vendor table, but I end up purchasing AF decals (at a minimum) and spending all kinds of time scratch building to bring it up to snuff! I do have to admit though that I kind like the "refurb" projects...

  8. When I worked on F-16s, they were also very clean and well maintained.
    I always admired the work of whoever painted them.

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