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George V Guimaraes
43 articles

Hasegawa A-7D USAF 1/48

April 29, 2021 · in Aviation · · 29 · 2.3K


This is my recent project, a nice kit of this iconic jet. It's an old toll, and it shows it in some ways, but it also can be built into a nice model . Except fot the canopy masks, everything OOB.
All my references showed these USAF birds, in the late eighties and early nineties were kept relatively clean, being the opposite of the Navy. So, the weathering was kept to a minimum.
All decals were fine.
Gunze paints and oils were used.

Hope you enjoy.


Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

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29 responses

  1. You can't have enough photos of this great looking SLUF, George. Each pic shows the great highlights of your build, looks amazing.

  2. You achieved a very nice look with that airflow streaking - great touch of just enough weathering to bring it to a very realistic look! Well done!

  3. A superb achievement, George.
    That camouflage including the weathering is great.
    Also the detailing is of a very high standard.
    Well done.

  4. From build to paint, VERY well done. Special.

  5. Outstanding work George!

  6. Great build of one of my favorites

  7. Nice work all the way around, from construction to final weathering, on this SLUF.

  8. Great looking SLUF!

  9. Great job, George!

  10. Amazing build, painting and weathering, George!

  11. Now I know what a "SLUF" is, lovely finish on this kit, definitely liked.

  12. Really like the paintwork and weathering.


  14. Very beautiful job ! Compliments.

  15. Brings back memories of the A-7s I worked on while in the Air Guard many years ago. They were kept pretty clean, the paint would get faded looking after a few years. One of the ones I worked on had an old repair to the fuselage, I was told it had been damaged in Vietnam war.

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