Diamond Nose...1/48 North American P-51D Mustang, 356th FG USAAF

May 15, 2021 · in Aviation · · 6 · 1.9K

Built in 2013, this was the third Merlin my dad built, but the first he did correct, regarding the wings. Back then it was new info for us that the P-51 had sealed/filled panel lines on the wings. Besides that the wings were painted in an aluminium/silver paint, the fuselage was in a nmf. We also were told that the stenicls around the wing fuel filler caps were post war style, did some bad research. In WW2 the stencils were straight.

The model is the Tamiya kit (combo with staff car) built oob, Model Master Metalizer Aluminium was used to paint the fuselage and Gunze H8 silver for the wings, but you don´t really see much difference...

The model shows the a/c of Lt. Donald F. Jones, 360th FS/356th FG which had one of the most colorful P-51 liveries IMO.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

23 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. G'day Reinhard (@grimreaper),
    I agree that these were the most colourful 8th AF aircraft.
    I built my first 1/48 P-51 in a similar scheme back in 2003.
    I have plans (and kits) to build more in other group colours, though.
    It was my first attempt at a natural metal scheme, and it is nowhere as good as yours.
    Liked very much!

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  2. Very nice looking Mustang, Reinhard.
    Paintwork is superb and those decals come on very nicely .
    Well done.

  3. Professional is a good word. Mustangs are the modeling standard for all aircraft Hobbyists. You get to see a lot of them and some of use don't tire too easily when viewing. However, this one build is a cut above . Both the model and the photography could easily been seen in hard copy.

    Two thumbs up to your father and you Reinhard.

  4. This is your usual truly excellent job, Reinhard!
    Two thumbs up from me too!

  5. Reinhard, @grimreaper
    This is another magnificent model on display for us to enjoy looking at. Years ago, I became friends with a WW2 pilot who flew in this unit. His name was Ed Malo. He flew in the 359th Squadron not the 360th, like your Mustang is from. Their aircraft still carried the same colorful nose markings. The only difference was the unit code letters on the side of the fuselage. The 359th used the letters "OC" in place of the "PI" on your model.

    He flew 2 (or 3) missions over the Normandy area on D-Day. He wrote a small book about his wartime experiences and gave me a copy.

    He flew P-47's and rotated back to the States just as the unit was transitioning over to the Mustang. I'll send you the pictures he gave me in a PM. Here's a copy of a lithograph he commissioned on his plane.

    It's always a treat to see your Dad's models posted here. Stay safe my friend.

  6. That is a beauty of a Mustang! Definitely one of the more colorful, and the model is masterful. Well done.

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