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Ross Paton
31 articles

Malta Montage

May 18, 2021 · in Aviation · · 6 · 1.7K

Malta is an amazing air war story.

Denis Barnham's book One Man's Window (later reissued as Malta Spitfire Pilot - crappy retitling!) was the best book I've ever read about being there.
L - R Revell JU-88 (not many were desert camo), 20thC Toys Macchi Veltro converted to Folgore (strange kit, but not many choices out there!). I tried to make this Furio Niclot Doglio's machine which fell to Beurling but 1/32 aftermarket Italian decals are as rare as Folgore/Veltros! I love the pouncing cat logo.
BF-109F non trop, of Denis Barnham's Mk V Trop (although it should have 4 x 20mm Cannon). Aftermarket blunt spinner.
That old Malta Spitfire colour scheme debate!

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

6 responses

  1. A big fan of big scale here! After seeing your montage I'm starting to hear the 20CT Folgore on my stash pile gently admonish me..."Avanti, testadura- avanti!"
    Nice work!

  2. Those are really nice models in honor of the keystone for the entire Med.

    It was fortunate that Keith Parks got "dumped" on Malta to save it like he did the UK during the BoB. Too bad the old guard of the RAF (at the time) didn't recognize what he did or care.

  3. Great collection, definitely liked.

  4. Love your collection, Ross!

  5. Thank you folks. I did all the stuff needed to change the 109 from a G to an F, including changing the wheel wells. The JU 88 is kind of N Africa colours but apparently was in Malta in January '42. I love the desert scheme so cheated a bit. Most of the 88's like the 109's were in temperate non trop (boring!) schemes.

  6. Great collection!

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