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Allon kira
71 articles

Meng, IDF, Namer in 1/35

May 4, 2021 · in Armor · · 8 · 7.5K

Hi guys,
, , Namer, in .
Better fit than Lego...!
have a great day!

Reader reactions:
16  Awesome 1 

18 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. This an amazing build, Allon, up to your usual excellent standards!
    I love the Beastie looks of the Namer.
    Spectacular weathering!

  2. Really excellent, Allon. These Israeli APCs are interesting vehicles.

  3. Wow - that is impressive! A real beauty.

  4. I second that wow! Great work.

  5. Lovely build Allon. You captured the dusty and sandy residue that accumulates on these vehicles very nicely.

  6. Superb build, how did you capture the Israeli sand colour? It's a very elusive one and has put me off doing Israeli armour...

  7. Hi Alon,
    curios if you have any like this one for sale

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