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Alistair Gauld
114 articles

Airfix 1/48 Hawker Sea Fury FB.11 in Cuban Guise

June 4, 2021 · in Uncategorized · · 22 · 1.5K

Hi There,
I picked this up recently and got to building quite quickly.
It all fitted very well with very little filler used.
I fancied doing a Cuban version.
Would this version have had The Cuban Flag Tailplane, Bombs and the wing fold utilised.
Probably not but I wanted it this way.

Transfers: Xtradecal X48175 Hawker Collection.
Primed with XF-53 Neutral Grey.
Painted with Tamiya XF -62 Olive Drab, X-18 Semi-Gloss Black, XF-85 Rubber Black, Colourcoats Buff masquerading as Hawker Yellow and Extreme Metals Aluminium.
Pre-shading was done with Tamiya XF-89 Dark Green 2 and then mottling for variation was done with Tamiya XF-57 Buff.
Exhaust staining with Tamiya Weathering Master and washed with Flory Dark Dirt and Citadel Nuln Oil
Finished with Windsor & Newton Matt Varnish for the Fuselage and Satin for the Spinner and Propeller.

Thanks for looking,

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

22 responses

  1. Cuban Air Force aircraft have always had the Cuban Flag on the rudder, including since 1959. So you got that right. As to the bombs, most photos of the airplanes during the Bay of Pigs event show them carrying a full load of 16 RPs. So win one guess, strike out on the other. 🙂 (but maybe not, since they were using anything/everything they could lay hands on)

    Nice result on this, I always like airplanes in lesser-known markings.

  2. Love it too, Alistair!
    Like @tcinla, I like seeing lesser known schemed planes.

  3. Fine looking build, Alistair.
    Cuban airplanes are not that often build, great you chose this scheme.
    Well done.

  4. Nice work, Alistair. Great scheme. It looks almost sinister in that dark green.

  5. Really nice job, Alistair (@alistairfgauld). The Sea Fury is a really elegant airplane, and you really did it justice.

  6. Nice work all around Alistair. Nice to see the folded wings.
    Nice looking base also!

  7. Looks great! Nice color scheme.

  8. Good looking Sea Fury, Alastair, the colour scheme and markings really suit it. Definitely liked.

  9. That is a very nice Sea Fury Alistair.

    I have had my eye on this Cuban scheme and this a/c (FAR42) too for a while. Can I ask wha you used for references ? I have found a few photos on the ol interwebs but thats is it.

    There seems to be discussion as to wether it had a second green motteled over the top . Its obvious in some photos and in other its not. May might just be shadow thrown up by a tree in the background.

    Either way your model looks good

    presume this is the Airfix kit ?

    • Hi There and Thanks,

      To be completely honest my choice of scheme was from the Decal sheet call out and I added the Flag Tail to it. There don't appear to be many photos about, so I used other peoples builds as a sort of reference but it was done to please me. I don't think it's historically accurate.
      I believe that a lighter green mottle was applied post Bay of Pigs.
      Yes it's the second release. The export version.


  10. It does look sinister and rather threatening. My cup of tea. ?

  11. Very nice! I too am a fan of the unusual schemes, so really like this.

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