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Amari Luu
39 articles


June 15, 2021 · in Aviation · · 12 · 1.8K

While I experiment with my airbrush, I also decided to give spray cans a go. It worked marvelously and I finally have a metallic colored plane. After seeing Tom Cleaver’s post about the thunderbolt at D-day I decided to give it invasion strips. I didn’t have any decals for them so I masked and sprayed lacquer paint. I also really enjoyed the somewhat clean and shiny look so I kept weathering at a minimum. I ran out of yellow so the propeller tips don’t get painted until later. Hope you enjoy it!

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12  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Looks wonderful, Amari!
    Yep, rattle cans are great, too!

  2. Good stripes - they're one of those "hills you gotta climb" on the way to being good at this stuff.

  3. Painting with D-day stripes is very attractive. So far, somehow I don't have the strength to face him.

  4. The only thing wrong with spray cans is that you can't adjust the colour/shade yourself, your invasion stripes look great, definitely liked.

  5. Nice looking Razorback. Well done.

  6. Props for conquering invasions stripes and NMF on the same bird. I still haven't worked up to invasion stripes. One day...

  7. Great achievement, Amari.

  8. Invasion stripes can be tough, but yours looks great, Amari (@themturtles). I use rattle cans a lot, mainly because I hate the time it takes to clean my airbrush. Like everything else, you can get good results with a little care and practice.

  9. Looks sharp Amari! Just curious, what brand did you use to spray paint the silver metallic look?

  10. Looks fantastic. Excellent natural metal finish on this Thunderbolt.

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