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Alistair Gauld
115 articles

Zvezda 1/48 IL-2

June 12, 2021 · in Aviation · · 19 · 2.9K

Hi There,
I thoroughly enjoyed this one and am quite chuffed with it.
It gave me one or two fit issues which I think were more caused by my butchery of the plastic than by manufacture.
Edit: Just noticed that I've not removed the masking from the landing light nor decaled the prop.
I'll do that tomorrow.

Primed with Neutral grey,
Painted with Colourcoats A14 Steel Grey, Amt-7 Blue, AMT-4 Olive Green, AMT-6 Black, Tamiya Nato Black, Dark Grey, Flat White with Buff mixed in.
Washed with Flory Dark Dirt and Grey.
Finished with Windsor & Newton Matt Varnish.
Rigging Uschi Van Der Rosten

As always,
Thanks for looking,

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

16 additional images. Click to enlarge.

19 responses

  1. That's a really fine job there, Alistair!
    Exceptional weathering, as well!

  2. Great looking job on this. Has an excellent "Russky-rough" look, Always wondered why they left big swaths unpainted with white. Are these Accurate Miniatures re-pops?

    • Thanks very much.
      I have no idea why they left those bits clear but it does look good.
      This is a completely new tool from Zvezda and they plan on all versions based on the sprues.


  3. Very nice, Alistair. This is the first example of this kit that I’ve seen built.

  4. I particularly like the wear on the temporary white finish - it's very realistic without going overboard and really contributes to the overall quality of the finished model.

  5. Truly exceptional build, Alistair.
    One of my favorite Russian aircraft and it looks awesome in this scheme.
    Everything on this build is great.

  6. Beautiful build of a great airplane. Can anyone answer a couple of questions for me.
    What the white arches on the cowling were for?
    What material was used to achive the winter camo and how difficult was it to remove in the Spring?

    • Thanks very much for your kind comment.
      The arches on the cowling were aiming points in a dive.
      The white was a temporary washable white. It just scrubbed off.

      Hope that helps,


  7. Nice work on your build. The white finish came out great!

  8. Looks great! I was at a contest in OKC on Saturday, and saw an IL-2 in similiar winter camo that I took photos of, because I wanted to do one just like it - very similar to this. The winter camo looks great.

  9. Very interesting painting, great job

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