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Manuel González
15 articles

Uss Momsen – DDG-92

August 31, 2021 · in Ships · · 15 · 2.8K

This model has only been made with the kit's photo-etched parts and adding only Flyhawk ladders. The kit represents the early version of the ship and has been modified to include the aft Phalanx. Numerous modifications have been made adding reflectors, speakers, fire hoses, satcom radomes, mast brackets, lights, antennas, and bushmaster guns that the ship does not carry. All in scracht. The anchor zone has also been modified. The wiring has been made with Veevus monofil 0.10 mm. The paints used have been Vallejo 70870 (fs36270) superestructure, 70868 (fs36118) deck and 70990 (fs36375), radar and radomes. The sea is made according to the usual method of gloss mediun and cotton.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

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15 responses

  1. Another amazing entry, Manuel! Spectacular job all-around, not only regarding the basic model, but also the vast amount of added extras and the water representation!
    Well done, this is a joy to watch!

  2. Excellent Burke! Lots of great details to look at, and fine presentation, as usual. 🙂

  3. I don't know how you ship guys do it. Amazing detail in such a small scale. The water looks fantastic, it really makes you think the ship is underway.

  4. Not meant to be a criticism, but why do you not have any figures on deck? It is a beautiful model and the water treatment is great.

    • Hi Jack,
      I do not take your comment as criticism. In fact I have about fifteen L'Arsenal figures that I was preparing for the ship and that I have not finished yet.
      Thanks and best regards.

  5. An impressive build, looks great!

  6. No kidding! Your Momsen is a knockout. And that water...really is fantastic! First time I've ever heard of using cotton and gel together to make the white caps.

  7. Awesome build, Manuel @kometa
    The water effect is also very nice.

  8. Thanks for your comments. You are very kind. I am glad you liked it. The ship took a lot of work. Now I'm going to do another one using the Uss Forrest Sherman kit to represent the Uss Mustin. I have tried that the sea had a good result. As it is the 1/350 scale, you have to act differently from what I am used to.

  9. This model is so well done that it looks real in a couple of your photos. Nice work all around!

  10. Absolutely liked. Incredible skills on display here; man, the water work just sells this presentation and that's saying a lot since the model itself is fantastic! Way to go Manuel! 🙂

  11. Thanks Tom and Gary. I'm glad you liked it. Greetings

  12. Brilliant work, Manuel. The water diorama is extremely lifelike, even reflecting the typical wake pattern of the Arleigh Burke class (from what I've seen in photos). The ship itself is amazing in every detail - great application of etch, weathering and meeting every other challenge ship models present. I have the Forrest Sherman and Hopper in my stash in 1/350. I thought that they would be good to do OOB but until now I hadn't seen anyone build them with the kit etch alone. The superb finish you've achieved shows how good they can look with what Trumpeter provides. I see that you are also a Chris Flodberg fan. I think you have really followed his principles well and done something quite artistic. Thanks for posting.

    • Thanks Colin for your comments. I have seen your profile and your models are very good. Trumpeter's kit has a difficult fit in some things. There are several upgrade kits but I think that in some things they are excessive. I have looked for a lot of documentation and photographs that have helped me and also small details in scracht such as the bushmasters or the fire hoses. I also have references to Frank Sparh and Chris Flodberg for the sea and also Studio Blue Ocean, but Chris I think he is the best, he has a great vision as an artist.

      Now I have started the Uss Mustin using the Uss Forrest Sherman as a base. There is a lot of work.


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