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Ross Paton
31 articles

Finished Typhoon 1/24

September 29, 2021 · in Aviation · · 12 · 2.5K
This article is part of a series:
  1. Typhoon! Petty and ill informed critique.
  2. Finished Typhoon 1/24

Got it done. Really nice kit. Decals haven't quite settled yet in these pics. Decals were actually very stubborn. Aftermarket rockets were the only extra.

Not much in the way of stencils. Can't say I was sorry but no "don't walk" stencils? Given the wing was thick enough to dance Elephants on maybe they weren't needed. It fitted together very well. The pipework proved challenging.
Not much weathering. Just didn't use straight black on the engine and rubbed off bits while handling were left there. Wheel hubs were roughened up a bit. Bit of blackening on the air intake. Let's say it was new 🙂

Reader reactions:
18  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Awesome looking Typhoon, Ross @ross4
    Very nice work on the engine and the canon bays.
    To me the weathering looks perfect.

  2. That’s an accomplishment, Ross! Looks great. I love the level of detail in this kit and you made the most of it.

  3. Outstanding, Ross! A pleasure to see.

  4. You definitely made the most out of that big box of plastic.

  5. Looks fantastic, Ross. I only wish there were more photos to see all the wonderful details. I love the work you did on the engine and gun bays, not to mention wiring for the rockets. I think the weathering looks right from the many wartime pics I've seen (mostly of Canadian Tiffies). Loss rates to flak were pretty high on low level ground attack so aircraft probably didn't have time to get really banged up before they were lost completely. This kit is on my wish list big time. It seems that Airfix sold out on the later bubble top version. Hopefully they will do another production run so more turn up on eBay.

    • Yes the bubble one isn't available and I got this on e-bay. I really didn't want the car door version and you would have thought they would have included the option.

  6. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Amazing build Ross !
    Nice clean work on the engine and the weapons bay as well as the rocket wiring .

  7. A work of art, truly ?
    More pictures, please?

  8. Wonderful job, Ross!
    Looks awfully close to 1:1!

  9. All that work sure paid off. I know how much plastic is in the box and how many hours that equates to. Well done.

  10. Looks great - that kit presents lots of details to show, and you made them shine.

  11. Thanks for the complements guys. Any constructive criticism welcome also! Apart from Tom Cleaver insisting I "button it up"! 🙂

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