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Me262 Night Fighter 1/48th Dragon

September 27, 2021 · in Aviation · · 19 · 1.9K

I finished this kit a few years back. Simply said, it is no Tamiya! I have not built a lot of model kits, but what I have built have all had the same trait. Basically subcomponents or assemblies fit together well, but when you try to put them all together things just don't seem to want to go right. This kit was no different, but in the end turned out ok. I think it could stand a bit more weathering just for visual improvement and interest, but these birds didn't get much flight time so the chance for wear and tear was limited.

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19 responses

  1. Very nice 262, Walt @luftwaffe-birdman
    Fantastic camo scheme.
    Did the Germans remove two canons to store the radar equipment?

  2. The end result looks wonderful, Walt!
    I like the subtle weathering: maybe it suits well a night fighter that not only did not have the time to wear a lot, but also during its brief operational period it was sheltered or covered with a canvas or something similar during daytime, only to fly at night?
    I totally agree with your view on Dragon models.

  3. It's hard to believe these Dragon kits - which originally appeared as Trimaster - were the Advanced State of the Art 32 years ago. With prices up around $20/kit (as a time when the Tamiya Buffalo was going for $9) they were Mucho Expensive. Now, you compare this to the Hobby Boss 262 night fighter and there isn't a comparison.

    Nice result regardless.

  4. Nice job, Walt! Like the scheme. I think your amount of weathering looks good.

  5. Very beautiful rendition, Walt, bravo!
    I fully agree your comments about weathering. In 44/45, it is said the average lifetime of a German fighter was a couple of days, as unexperimented pilots replaced experimented ones. No time for heavy weathering…

  6. Another nice one Walt@luftwaffe-birdman! A two seater no less. I'll bet those nose radar antennas were a pain. "liked".

  7. Very nice - I like that scheme. Well done.

  8. Great job on this Walt. I've always liked the 2 seat 262's. My problem with all available kits in 1/48 is none has opened slats.

    • Thanks Dale, @dtravis, I like the looks of the planes on the ground with the slats deployed, and there are conversion kits to make that happen. I think the kits look good and the Tamiya 262's are so fun to build that I can do without the deployed slats.

  9. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Wonderful work on that model Walt.
    The camouflage scheme and the light subtle really makes this model pop out.

  10. Nice 262, Walt, turned out well, and your paintwork and weathering really suit it, defense liked.

  11. Great job on your build, looks great. I like how the scheme came out, very nice!

  12. Well done Walt, and I concur PE looks two dimensional as well as just being a pain to work with. However, your 262 looks mighty nice to me.

  13. Great quality build of an older but solid kit, Walt. I have this one in my stash as well. I really like your airbrush work on the mottles. Did you use acrylics or enamels in achieving the subtly feathered splotches? I am still working on getting this kind of control - mostly too splattery for me so far using Tamiya and Gunze acrylics.

  14. Thanks Colin, @coling, I have always used Model Master Enamels, but since there demise, (Thanks for nothing Rustoleum). I am in the process of switching over Mr Color Lacquer paints. They spray remarkably smooth and easy. I know guys that use Tamiya Acrylics and achieve better finishes than me. The one thing they all agree on is they use the Tamiya thinner.

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