Here are some pictures of my latest WNW build.
I have included some "work in progress" shots in case anyone finds it interesting to see how I went about it.
The speckle finish, whilst simple looking, is one of the most challenging airbrush tasks I have yet attempted. All the colours are as recommended in the instructions but I did dull them down a bit during the weathering and matte coat process as they looked a little stark to my eye.
All the leather and woodwork is done with oils over an acrylic base.
I also used the excellent Aviattic five colour lozenge set for the wing surfaces and Gaspatch turnbuckles to anchor the rigging.
Otherwise it's built completely out of the box.
You must have been a bundle of nerves spraying that scheme. I wouldn't relax till it was done.
What an outstanding result, out of a meticulous and seemingly long job, Stephen!
This is such a fantastic model and I loved the in-progress shots, as well!
A real monks work of patience Stephen. These models are a whole class by themselves and you give it worthy credit in this amazing build.
Splendid work, superb scale modeling Stephen, @steve.
Beautiful result. That fuselage does look daunting. But you did overcome.
Awesome build, Stephen @steve
Great paintwork.
Nice work mate. I have the same model in my stash, and I hope to gain the same result.