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Bob Torres
71 articles

Matchbox 1/72 Do-18

October 5, 2021 · in Aviation · · 21 · 2.9K

My Do-18 (PK-409) build from 1986. An old build that needed some good cleaning and slight restoration. This was a big mess and I am pretty happy it is back in view again.

I remember enjoying this build very much. I did fill in all of the deep recessed lines on the wings, winglets and engine cowlings/nacelles areas. I also put in some extra effort on reshaping the rear spinner, cutting the flight controls, using some metal wires in the wings and tail struts areas. Drilled out the engines carb inlets on the cowlings and the exhaust pipes on the top of the wings. The aerial wires were all made from stretch spruce which are all original from the 1986 build. Matchbox did provide the basis to make a nice looking kit, and an interesting subject to have displayed with the other builds.

I used Poly-S acrylic paints, all hand brushed except for the clear coats. I airbrushed the Future clear and later airbrushed the Poly-S Clear flat.

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17  Awesome

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21 responses

  1. Nice work, Bob. I loved that kit. I did the Lufthansa scheme. Wish I could find another one today.

  2. Nice build and rebuild, Bob. I envy your filling in all the trenches and getting the surface so smooth. Really good job of reshaping the rear Prop spinner, too.

  3. Matchbox did some kits that were definitely out of the ordinary. Nice work on this one.

  4. Fantastic job back then, Bob, and great restoration as well!
    I am amazed on your acrylics handbrushibg result.

    • Thank you Spiros. I thin it with alcohol and it takes about three coats. Then I paint the darker color over it, and that usually takes two coasts, sometimes three. The gloss and flat coats makes any spots that shows any brush strokes disappear.

  5. Amazing build back then, Bob @v1pro
    Like said by Spiros @fiveten, your handbrush skills are amazing.
    Good idea to have this one cleaned, she deserved it.
    And what a difference in pictures over those years.

    • John, I am happy to have it back on my shelf again. The phone’s shots does look different from the two shots I took on my old Canon T50 35mm camera.

  6. Pretty nice Bob.
    Your build and rigging looks quite advanced for its time.
    German seaplanes are not often featured.
    86ed is was not, as this is a fine model.

    • Thank you Bernard. This is a pretty clean aircraft that set distance records when it first flew. Carried many aerial cables for its radio navigational systems for long distance communications and to navigate. I think Matchbox was the only styrene kit made for us modelers. There was a vacu-form kit of the Do-18 released before Matchbox released theirs.

  7. Nice work! I wouldn't have thought it was hand painted until you mentioned it. It can be fun bringing old models back to life again as a therapy break from the bench.

    • Thank you Joe, I’ve been wanting to get this kit back on the shelf again for a while. This was my 5th restoration in the past year, I still have a few more to go.

  8. Looks great - I like these out-of-the-ordinary birds (think I have one in the stash). Nicely done.

  9. Great work Bob. I did one one of these when the kit was first released. Mine didn't look as good as yours.

  10. Really nice work on an old kit. That’s a very unique airplane .
    I always enjoy seeing your work posted.

    • Thank you Jay, it is unique plane. Back then I saw another one made in one of our local contest with the grey scheme. In another contest I had my Do-18 next to a Do-24, a Catalina and my Supermarine Stranrear. That was pretty neat to see them together. The Do-24 is a bigger plane. I also enjoy seeing your postings too.

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